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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. I just have a question, I have the full game but I'm not sure what version the demo is. Wiki says 0.18.3, some forum members I saw talking about it said 1.0, and a other people said 0.90.
  2. Astronaut Complex is good, but VAB/Launchpad are important. If it were me it would be Launchpad and Astronaut, I could get to orbit and do EVA reports for lots of science.
  3. Once you get one, you want more. I got SCANsat, then SETI, then Remotetech, then got CKAN and went crazy. And now I have an Ubuntu dual boot with... what is it? 90 mods I think. I have a lot but I use about 6 gigs of RAM I think, KSP Linux lets you have more mods because of 64-bit.
  4. Honestly, I once forgot that the moon existed and it was the Mun. I was playing about 3 hours a day for a month though... And I got ubuntu just for KSP, now I have to shut down my computer to switch from KSP to other games. Ubuntu doesn't like Counter-Strike.
  5. You can invert it I think, but only for the whole control surface.
  6. Well you could soften up the ice and make an ice castle? Then put moon dust over it, it might stick if it was from there.
  7. Right click on the chute and when it says 'Safe' you can deploy it. Never deploy it during re-entry or when you are going faster than 240 m/s. And keep opening altitude at 1000, it takes a while to open.
  8. Trying to kolonize the Mun with USI Kokonization and trying to drive my river to the Mun Arch nearby. It kept slipping off the crater edge, until I just gave up and sent more stuff there. I haven't done the surface docking yet, but I will regret trying to do it later.
  9. And they dont mind being shot in the chest or face with an awp! EDIT: Fuel lines work with those fuselages, I made a Jool ship with 6 LF fuselages and they worked fine with fuel lines. I went to every moon except the really inclined one (Bop or Pol, cant remember those names)
  10. Eat a rep cookie for your nice flags.
  11. Your name is the same as my Counter-Strike clan! THE RED SHIRTS SHALL DIE PATHETICALLY IN BATTLE
  12. Hey Ted, I'm young but I have a lot of experience with computers and KSP (bought it two years and 2 months ago), and I always wanted to help. But I'm wondering why you have to sign a NDA to test a game build? Probably some stupid response how minors 'are not responsible in any way' or something like that... Eh, back to watching Red vs Blue on my vacation.
  13. No, they can be collected, but you need a Scientist to rerun them. Or you may just have SETI installed.
  14. No, I mean on the lifter under the fairing. You have 3.75m parts with a normally 2.5m part under the fairing.
  15. Also, is that a TweakScaled Reaction Wheel I see?
  16. Thanks guys! Last night I was thinking about an upside down one, so I'll probably do that. For my test landing I did use Control From Here. Also with my test landing I saw a Mun Arch for the first time!
  17. I need to land my Karbonite rover on the Mun. I have a descent stage that I tested using Hyperedit and it works, but I can't think of a launch vehicle to get it there. You'll see my problem in the image... I can't answer for about 10 hours, I'll look back at this when I wake up. Thanks in advance!
  18. Made a helo with KAX and blew up the R&D with it.
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