I have two things to add. First, I am extremely happy with 1.0 and most of what is in the 1.01 and 1.02 patches. On the other hand there is something "wrong" with the atmospheric changes in the 1.01 patch. I wish I had the exact numbers to pin it down, but while 1.0 felt semi-realistic (there were problems), 1.01 just feels off. Soupier seems to be close to the right description. 1.0 I immediately tested several of the stock craft as I normally do when a new patch comes out. In this case I tried the launch tutorial and then tried to land the craft. I was quite pleased with the results of the flight as vulnerable components of the craft (exposed batteries for instance) burned off until about peak heating where the unprotected, and fairly full, fuel tank exploded. The capsule and parachute were survived until a reasonable altitude for the parachute to be deployed. The Learstar surprisingly launched (instead of tumbling out of control) and on reentry with the nose well up slowed enough (almost too much as there were no reentry effects at all) in the upper atmosphere. I then threw the Ion probe up on a booster which I then deorbited (the booster). It almost exploded, but as it was just an engine, fins, and empty tanks (light for its size) it survived to crash into the ground. So long as I left exploits and other game engine abusing behavior alone, it felt like a great starting point. 1.01 Too much too soon. These changes never should have happened in this patch even if they are the right ones in the end. According to the patch notes there were many other fixes and adjustments. The effects of those changes should have been given some time first before other changes were made. Making the changes all at once makes it hard to know exactly how much of a change was needed. I have had troubles with space planes. Not only have I experienced the full power dive deceleration, but I have leveled out of a climb, and found no speed increase. Yes, there is terminal velocity, but when I level out, the trust that was fighting gravity pushing up is now pushing the plane forward and should result in a noticeable speed increase. Heavy craft now decelerate so quickly that exposed hardware (the tiny surface mounted solar panels, RCS tanks, batteries) easily survive even fairly steep reentries. Heat shields serve little purpose (at least before interplanetary stupid fast aerobraking), and I only wish I could see the new heat overlays that were added without having to try so hard. 1.0 needed some work, but 1.01 feels worse, maybe the sweet spot is in the middle, or maybe the numbers were right and the model needs a few tweaks, but until then, go back to a mostly 1.0 physics config