I've never had a problem like this...I can't tell if I'm doing something wrong with my design or if it's a bug (or possibly weird mod interaction). But I have a spaceplane that flies beautifully on both the air-breathing and closed cycle stages while in the atmosphere, and then as soon as the navball switches to "Orbit" mode, any thrust applied seems to be pointing about 45 degrees above where the nose is headed, causing the nose to pitch wildly down immediately. As you can see from the screenshots, the thrust vector is dead through the center of mass. I've tried different engines, moving the center of mass, moving the center of lift (not sure why that would matter, of course), disabling TAC Fuel Balancer, etc., and the problem persists through everything I've tried. Help? http://imgur.com/a/lOHTp#0 edit: Tried disabling every mod except Joint Reinforcement (necessary to keep this thing from flying apart). It's not a mod issue...so I must be doing something wrong with my design.