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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I am under a different impression: The landing prediction is where you will land with no further input even when the AP is on. This is evident by how the AP makes adjustments and corrections to place the landing prediction marker on top of your target.
  2. BREAKING NEWS! I just noticed that I get different landing prediction and trajectories depending on if the autopilot is on or off! It seems like the prediction is pretty much accurate when the autopilot is off but very wrong when it is on.
  3. I tried removing all my mods, validate the game files with Steam and install MechJeb2- The landing guidance behaviour was very much the same. Below is a link to a zip with the .craft and KSP.log, I hope you can make more sense of it than I could. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23186958/KSP/Cleaned.zip
  4. I'll try to dig up some log tomorrow. Got to get some sleep before work. Hopefully it's just a mod incopmability, though I don't don't run any mod I'd think would interfere with MJ.
  5. Funny you should mention that. It pretty much what MechJeb always does with my crafts since 1.0. The landing AP behaves very strange throughout the whole decent. It starts with showing a landing prediction that is WAY of the mark, typically in the range of 300 km short of the target. After the initial de-orbit burn it will try to make a correction of 50-200 m/s and then continue to make tiny correction in all direction throughout the decent. Sometimes it seems to get stuck on a correction, trying to make corrections of >1000 m/s, getting ways from the target location and usually crash into the ground while doing the correction. This behaviour happens on both Kerbin and Laythe regardless of crafts. While I did register on this forum pretty much only to post this I would also like to say thanks while I'm here. I've used MJ for some time now and it is really helpful (even now as long I don't let it do the landings). Having tried my hand at modding and programming I know what a pain it can be when things just refuse to work so thank you for doing this. It's a great mod you have made.
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