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  1. FancyMouse's post in Go to near Kerbol space, and come back was marked as the answer   
    Well, you don't need to stay in your (Ap=Kerbin, Pe=1Gm) orbit until you enter Kerbin SoI - after visiting your LSO, you could burn to an appropriate orbit at apoapsis (i.e. keep your orbit tangent to Kerbin's orbit), so that the next time or maybe the second next time when you orbit back, it meets Kerbin. So the whole trip is like almost exactly 2 or 3 years because you would be returning to almost exactly where you start.
    The other way to think about it is just another LKO rescue mission at a grand scale.
  2. FancyMouse's post in Satellite Contract was marked as the answer   
    Your current setup means you just need to change your direction of your 230m/s velocity to a different direction at a correct point. So you plot a maneuver node at AN/DN. You first drag normal/antinormal of 230*sin(53)~183m/s, then drag retrograde until maneuver shows about 205m/s (this is sqrt(183*183+92*92) where 92=230(1-cos(53))). At this point, two orbits should roughly match, and then you can do fine adjustment from there.
  3. FancyMouse's post in Is my lab working well? was marked as the answer   
    +0 only because it's too small - on Kerbin surface there's a penalty of 0.1x multiplier. Launch the lab to orbit or land somewhere else and you'll see how much it is worth.
  4. FancyMouse's post in How to stop engines from shutting down during overheating? was marked as the answer   
    You need to provide more info (screenshot of plane, mods installed, etc.). It doesn't sound stock behavior. The closest mod behavior I know is from KSP interstellar, where you'll have to add a precooler after your intake to not overheat the engine. But that limit is way beyond supersonic - e.g. rapier is ~1350m/s. Without interstellar, or with interstellar but precooler properly mounted, should be totally ok to reach 1.4~1.5km/s.
  5. FancyMouse's post in Speed after a certain amount of time was marked as the answer   
    Note the step 2 (Kepler's equation) there. That pretty much means there's no general formula and you have to numerically approximate it. It's going to be (very) tedious if you want to do it by hand.
  6. FancyMouse's post in Stock VS RO parts was marked as the answer   
    I thought Isp is roughly the same. I don't know much about the history but sampling the list of engines (both first stage and upper stage) currently in service, it seems they have almost the same number as KSP.
    In KSP the property that got nerfed is engine mass. And it's nerfed a lot (TWR ~100 versus 10~30 in KSP). That's why using a realistic engine would be OP on Kerbin.
  7. FancyMouse's post in How to offset surface attached parts without limit? was marked as the answer   
    In short, it's likely that your settings.cfg comes from older versions where the VAB_FINE_OFFSET_THRESHOLD value stays its old default value. If you observe small values like 0.2 in your settings.cfg, then it's definitely the cause (at least explains why my L-shift only allows tiny increase in offset limit), and changing it to 20 (the current default value) should fix it. If you see big values in your settings.cfg, then it would be another problem.
    It should have nothing to do with ijkl - should be independent settings.
  8. FancyMouse's post in Large Probe Cores was marked as the answer   
    Yes - they can control ships that have no connection back to KSC, and the largest probe can serve multiple hops.
    Definition of "Control Point": see KSPedia -> Communication Network -> CommNet -> Control Links
    How work, documentation - really KSPedia contains most of the information you need. I wouldn't say it's perfect, but it covers all the basics.
  9. FancyMouse's post in Explore the Mun was marked as the answer   
    Did you transmit/recover? Just collecting the experiment on site does not count in general for contracts (there are exceptions but not relevant here).
  10. FancyMouse's post in Testing interplanetery -- how to? was marked as the answer   
    The game is designed so that skipping time is cheap so that it is easier to experience interplanetary journey - it's not uncommon to have a 10yr+ trip for a gravity-assisted Jool tour. So don't feel bad about waiting for years to do something.
    For stopping time warp - if you have KAC, that would be the easiest. If you use pure stock, you can probably warp at maximum until 10~20 days before the desired the date, then use the "warp to next morning" button to fine control the exact date you want to be on.
  11. FancyMouse's post in A question about subassemblies in a new game was marked as the answer   
    At least from my understanding, right that's all you need. That file is the only place storing the category information, and I tested between different copies of KSP of the same version at the time that moving that file carries category information. I haven't tested across different versions, so there's a slight possibility that if the file format has changed, it might not work. But it's not quite likely given there's no functionality changes around this area recently.
  12. FancyMouse's post in Keostational contract was marked as the answer   
    By "can't get there" I assume the problem is to find the right timing to do the transfer?
    If that's the case, then just treat it as a Mun transfer - start from LKO, imagine a hypothetical object on the keostationary orbit right above your target. When the virtual "target" is about to appear at horizon, burn. If there's any error, you can always correct at keostationary orbit, wait for one period, and next time it should be all good. Crude method, but often good enough and doesn't need math/calculator to execute. (although to understand why the same method can roughly apply here you can do a little bit of math here, it's not hard - just some Kepler's third law plus some crude approximations).
  13. FancyMouse's post in [1.1.3] Change the active contracts limit. was marked as the answer   
    Usually the MM patch in my signature or anything along that line should work.
    But CC has its extra check that doesn't look at the default contract limit field at all - it implements its own limit logic in its source code. So in the current status of CC, you'll need to change that and compile the dll yourself, unfortunately.
  14. FancyMouse's post in What counts as survey scanner data transmitter was marked as the answer   
    Seeing that message in RT means you have control via other methods (either local control or connection to another command station) but no connection to KSC. Science transmission needs a connection back to KSC to work. If not, then even if your antenna is extended, you'll see that message and fail the transmission.
  15. FancyMouse's post in Science lab seems to require duplicates of experiments was marked as the answer   
    yup, intended design change to nerf the lab. The piece of experiment will go away once processed.
  16. FancyMouse's post in The Keostationary Orbit Anomaly was marked as the answer   
    Nope 6 hours is a solar day, not sidereal rotation period. Sidereal rotation period is the rotation period in Kerbin's frame. Solar day is the period for Sun rotating around the same point on Kerbin. In a typical setting (including Kerbin/Sun system), solar day is longer than sidereal rotation period, because when one completes a sidereal rotation period, Kerbin orbits the Sun a bit, so that the Sun is lagging behind a little bit, and you'll need a little bit extra time to complete a solar day.
    So 6 hour orbit is not a synchronous orbit. The wiki now contains the right information about solar day/sidereal rotation period/synchronous orbit altitude. I believe it was a recent change (0.9 or early 1.0) that fixes solar day to be 6 hours.
  17. FancyMouse's post in Contract tied up to wrong ship was marked as the answer   
    Yup it's ContractConfigurator that does the ship tracking - stock contracts never do that.
    I once had that problem and I just didn't bother, let the contract fail and get a new one. You can search/ask in the ContractConfigurator thread to see if there's any solution to it.
  18. FancyMouse's post in Planes Above 10 KM?? was marked as the answer   
    You're probably just using the wrong jet engine. Basic jets can't produce much thrust above that altitude or above certain speed. You'll need ramjets like Whiplash or even Rapier.
  19. FancyMouse's post in [ANSWERED] TWR of 118, acceleration of 8m/s^2, but no movement? was marked as the answer   
    >Start accelerating
    Check navball position. You need to Control From the right probe core (in the same orientation of the engine). Otherwise it's well possible to have probe core facing retrograde but engine facing prograde, and thrust is pushing you prograde.
    >wouldn't even budge
    Thrust into drill is also my guess. Check F3. If you see XX damaged by thrust from YY or something like that, and XX and YY are on the same ship, then your ship is not going to get acceleration from this engine.
  20. FancyMouse's post in Screen zoomed in and locked on KSC was marked as the answer   
    see my KSCLockup from my sig to permanently forget about the problem :-)
  21. FancyMouse's post in Admin Strategy Stacking was marked as the answer   
    Science points are not whole numbers. They appear as whole number most of the places, but it really can have a fraction. Hypothetically if a 5% strategy has conversion rate 10k->1sci, then a 20k fund contract will just become +19k fund, +0.1sci, which may still show up as +0 sci.
  22. FancyMouse's post in Which mod shows ejection angle as an overlay in orbital map view? was marked as the answer   
    Recently transfer window planner added a button to show ejection angle. Is that what you have in your mind?
  23. FancyMouse's post in Delta V readout Wrong was marked as the answer   
    Picture 1 shows S2 (stage 2) while picture 2 shows S1 - most likely the 2k dV is calculated by this: they assumed that you stage engines, then immediately stage decoupler to get rid of the top stuff, and SRBs burn their fuel against themselves (when payload is thrown away) and that's 2k dV.
    Most likely it happens because you're using the SRB as root part, not something from your payload - all those mods assume root part stays with payload and calculates delta V from there.
  24. FancyMouse's post in What exactly is the length of a Kerbin day? was marked as the answer   
    It was a recent change (post 1.0) that makes a solar day a whole day, so sidereal rotation period is a few seconds shorter.
    Found the thread: 
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