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Everything posted by himnhouw

  1. EDIT: Came up with a simpler example to show my problem. This patch only matches the second module. The only difference between the modules is the order of the nodes. Shouldn't it match both? PART [*] { @MODULE:HAS[@NODE[a],@NODE:HAS[#prop[b]]] { matched = true } } PART { MODULE { NODE { name = a } NODE { prop = b } } MODULE { NODE { prop = b } NODE { name = a } } }
  2. Seems this line in ModuleAblator is responsible for the changing conductivity during reentry: reentryConductivity = 0.01 Seems strange to have it change conductivity like that. The default conductivity should to be 0.12. I didn't actually find where that is defined but plenty of Squad's cfgs have comments saying 0.06 and 0.04 are 1/2 and 1/3 default value. Also AFAICT, the values for aero drag don't actually influence heating in any way. Which is nice so we can tweak them independently.
  3. Fairings do work, but they are not magic. You still have to make them aerodynamic.
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