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    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. I'm a bit confused. Did you suggest undereducated nation peoples should learn to stop breathing? XD I too have doing a little calculation: 40 man on 40 bikes that each make 40km a day exhaust more C02 than 40 mens sitting in a gaz-powered bus for a 40km travel. An human is not at all a very efficient engine. Give 5L of fuel to a car, it will take our 200kg payload 100km away. How many liters of beer (and other commodities ^^) to how many mens do you need to do the same with only sapiens? Anciens democraties have many slaves for develloping their cities. We have more efficient than slaves eating food: we have engines that eat fuel. I'm in fear that when we run out of fuel for engine, we came back to slaves eating food.
  2. - First: Basic Philosophical books about logics: just to be sure they can understands how we thinks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic - Maths and physics/chemistry books: is what we have done with theses "logics". - Pics and descriptions of plants or animals or stuffs pass and present. Pick especially the pretty ones, and especially the ones that cohabits well with us. Nice flowers and domestic cats or dogs. - Pics and descriptions of all nice stuff we make (just hide thoses bombs and pretends theses torture devices were for sexual purposes) Pick especially the reffineds culturals ones. Some nice musics or songs too. (Voyager golden record is good) It's a good first start.
  3. Should the "Chimera guy" in my previous post got one, or 2 baptism? Answer it! (2 or 1 soul for that guy? )
  4. We are totally rigth, we (as humans) can only transform the energy we take from our environement. I make a big mistake in my previous statement. It's not a very convenient energy source, but as you say, if they can go to our planet, maybe they can just take the sun and go elsewhere with it?
  5. An human can make something like 100kW/year. These aliens will have better time take the oil. That's the most concentrate and convenient energy source on this world, after all. And All is energy.
  6. About "what makes you" things, I find pretty interressing that story: http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/man-failed-paternity-test-because-he-chimera-his-unborn-twin So, this man is a "chimera": a perfect fusion of 2 "fake" twins that make not a siamese, but one viable human. Part of his genome is from one brother, part is from the other. And these 2 genomes don't even have the same blood type! ^^ But naturally, He think he was "one and only" because that's how brain process works! ^^
  7. We are social even with other species. Our ancestors cohabits with cavern bears, and carnivorous wolves. We cohabits well with dogs, cats, and many others domestics animals. (some cohabits "to much" and even have sexual relations or love affairs with animals, for that matter) I bet even an horrific octopus-like alien can find love with some humans ^^.
  8. Today, engineers don't design car, planes, or rocket ships: theses things already exists. They design and optimize parts of theses things. A the time pass, the parts became smaller and more complex, from the "original design", born decades or centuries ago. That "original design" can have been done by only one man. Before that idea prosper, and became more complex.
  9. Nozomi, a little japanese probe, used that trick: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nozomi_(spacecraft) It still have to burn some fuel. But it certainly was an advantage.
  10. This is the raw data from Kepler, about ligth obstruction from that star: This is a small personal projection for a third transit: It's growing... And in 1000 years or so: "nothing to see here, folks!" as a billion times before.
  11. For what I found: We have data for 2 transits, separated by 750 days. Kepler has missed a transit in april 2015, due to 2 reaction wheels stuck. (a shame) Next transit expected for may 2017? Hope we have a good telescope in the sky at that moment! You are rigth about the absurd amount of ligth blocked by that "thing"
  12. About ressources: from sun and the one and only planet available at that orbit, sure: that explain why it has stopped to grew at a point. Planet available ressources limits the maximal expansion. In that case, the planet orbit, and the plant(s) too, at 750 earth-days for a full orbit. And about why it changes shape every 750 days... hmm... seasons? You could even imagine local/regional seasons in the "plant web", due to lack of ressources or other factors. (competition between tree branches?)
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