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Everything posted by Fishslap

  1. I haven`t seen this suggested or mentioned, but sometimes when sailing across Kerbin I wish there was a forest biome on it. Perhaps extra risky to land in because of parachute entanglements?
  2. See, this is where you get vague. Because I don`t think you do. Astrophysicist gamer Scott Manley seems to think it`s working as it should for the most part. You`ll have to give me some reason to take your word over his when all you do is state unceremoniously that you know how things should work. What is it that you know how should work and why are you omitting it from your post?
  3. It does mean that you have to go below ground level. But you don`t have to land. You just have to burn your periapsis down to below 0. As long as the active Mun orbit is below ground level at some point you`ll get the mission done. I find it best to do this right before I head back home to Kerbin, just so I don`t accidentally time accelerate kamikaze into the surface or something.
  4. The first time I went to Mun I accidentally pressed "c" for the first time and couldn`t figure out how to get back out of the cockpit again before I crashed. I completely forgot to take a picture at the time. This is from my first relatively non-disastrous trip to Minmus. I had made a polar return orbit to take science from the arctic, but ran out of fuel before I could finish the last burn. And missed the atmosphere so I got stuck in orbit. Literally a bic lighter would have given me enough fuel to finish the last burn. Unbelievable! Nice polar vortex graphical bug though, so at least it wasn`t for nothing.
  5. While trying to land on Mun I discovered that I was unable to create a maneuver node. There was already an orange cycle looking like an orbit of Kerbal but no node to be seen. I suspect that it might be inside one of the planets. But anyway, I was wondering how you remove maneuver nodes if you can`t find them to click on them? I couldn`t find anything in the hotkeys list I`ve been using. Has this happened to anyone else and is there some way to fix it?
  6. First go to Mun and get into an eliptic orbit with the periapsis at 2o00 meters. Then do an EVA there after forgetting to turn on the SAS so the ship starts floating when you get out. Then immediately bonk your head on the capsule so you get shot out away from the ship unconscious before hurrying back in a state of frenzied panic when you get control back. Finally bonk your head on the ship one more time while trying to get back to it. If possible try to aim so you get deflected in a different direction this time for maximum confusion. If you have done things properly the ship should now be rotating both ways at high speed while gyrating (No that is not an innuendo!). Now beat my personal record of spending 35 minutes trying to get back into the craft without starting to cry or throw things and you will have completed the Jetpack Slapstick Challenge. Not only did this happen to me on my first successful three man lunar landing but I also managed to do a drop landing back on Kerban right on top of a mountain so I rolled down for about 5 minutes, breaking all my science gear. Miraculously there were no casualties on this trip.
  7. I`m not saying you need to have full global weather dynamics necessarily. Just some clouds forming in the oceans, move those around a bit and then some rain would be more than enough for me. Even if it`s just cosmetic and for the cloud cover I`d be for it, if it can be done without slowing things down too much. As for life support I don`t really see why something like that shouldn`t be an optional game mechanic. I mean I`m as bad as it gets with flight simulators. Hell I`m even terrible at racing games. Anything mechanical that moves and I will crash it into something. But even I miss life support in KSP because I understand that it`s one of the major obstacles to space travel full stop. It just feels weird not to have anything at all. Again, it doesn`t have to be full out with urine bags out the hatch and eating minaturized soup cubes every five minutes. But just something.
  8. I have just started playing KSP and absolutely suck at everything for the moment. Nevertheless I have some things I would like to have in the game which are not: 1: It is hard to tell astronauts apart. I tried sending two of them in a capsule each on the same ship into orbit, and I had a hard time keeping track of which was which and doing what even with just the two of them up there. I would like to be able to tell which capsule is occupied just by looking at them. I would also like to be able to tell whether an astronaut is a scientist, an engineer or a pilot just by looking at them. Perhaps different colored uniforms depending on job or some way of customizing them even? Failing that, is there some way of renaming them to something other than Bill and Bob Kerbal? If there isn`t then that would be a good idea as well. 2: A log of the research you`ve done. Not the tech tree stuff but biomes. Since you get different equipment at different times it can be too much to keep track of whether you`ve landed with your barometer in a desert or whether or not you brought your goo canister to a particular crater on Mun. And the more gear you get and places you can get to the more impossible it gets. Perhaps a biome breakdown tab in the science facility that registers each biome you`ve done any research in, which experiments you`ve done etc. But please please, oh pretty please with sugar on top give me some way of keeping track of all this! If my head explodes it will be your fault! 3: I know the game is hard enough as it is (Trust me, I`m the one who really knows...) but I would like to see life support added to the game, at least as an option for a hard game. One of my astronauts was marooned in orbit without fuel and he`s still there years later, right as rain. It`s not that I want him to die, even though this will obviously be his fate whenever I get around to "rescuing" him in my inept fashion. But it doesn`t feel very realistic in an otherwise quite realistic simulation to not have life support in it at all. 4: Weather would be nice. Again it`s not that I want to explode, but weather would just make the whole thing more interesting, and the planets with atmosphere feel more real. I can`t think of anything else at the moment. At least nothing that isn`t my fault. I`m not complaining though to be perfectly clear about that. KSP is a wonderful game as it is and the most fun I`ve had in ages. I also realize that it`s a work in progress and that you`re presumably very busy with more important things so soon after launch. But if you could at least look into doing something about the first point I raised in a reasonable time frame I`d appreciate it very much. That sounds like it could be pretty simple. PS Oh and if any of the stuff I mentioned can be fixed with mods or it`s actually in the game and I haven`t found it then I apologize. I will just blame it on being a complete noob and pretend like nothing happened.
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