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Everything posted by Kaerwek

  1. So I just got this build station contract, after having one major part of it up in orbit already. Read that I could rename. So built two ships to get the other requirements done, forgot antenna. Built a third module to add the antenna. Docking was somewhat okay. Turned out, renaming did not help. Tried both as all docked, as all undocked. Finally, I built a replica of the old part up in orbit, equipped an antenna, and sent it up. Turned out, that once I docked the two modules to it, it completed the mission. But as I tried returning back to my old station, with the third lander module, I encountered difficulties. Had to reload. Well, quicksave was before going out to the new station ship. So undocked, did the process again... But, somehow the game had lost track of things. It did not complete the contract for me, even with the new module with pre equipped antenna, new habitat modules, etc... Like it had done on the first try! Gave up in the end. Any suggestions? I am compentlating building a third station, just to get this one contract done...
  2. I figured it out. I had to hit the 'i' button, not 1.
  3. I am running KSP via Steam, I have KIS installed alongside a lot of other mods. I have an Engineer, and if I click him, while on EVA, I have the electric screwdriver in the two slot inventory. If I click Inventory, I see a separate inventory: I read in the manual that I have to in this case click 1 to use the screwdriver. But clicking 1 nothing happens. I can't seem to move the screwdriver to the KIS Inventory on the left. Hitting X just beeps and I get the message saying I need to equip something first. Help please? Is this buggy on my computer?
  4. I've a mission where I should drive a tour bus at KSC. So I made a vehicle with 6 External Command Seats for the passagners. But when I drive to pick them up, I can see no option to pick them up. I ditched the only command pod, so I essentially drive the bus from a External Command Seat. Is it impossible to conduct bus tours using solely External Command Seats?
  5. Uh huh. I downloaded the newest edition via CKAN. Now I no longer have the ability to tranfer resources between docked vessels. Only between individual fuel tanks, which is a hell of a pain to do. Guess I'm downgrading to previous version!
  6. I run KSP 1.0.5. I have Docking Port Alingment Indicator version 6.2 via CKAN. For some reason, the first time I tried it, it worked. But these days, I can't even see the icon. I have to dock manually. What could be causing that it doesn't show up?
  7. I got it to work. What I did, was that I stopped each of the mining drills and retracted them so that the mining vessel was still. So close were they that I had to retract the Gigantor XL sunpanels, because in my initial takeoff attempt it would tear the mining crafts sunpanels partly apart.
  8. Well, the vessels are parked next to each other, literally so close they almost touch each other. On Minmus. One of them is actively mining, so wobbling all the time. I've tried to clear away things that it could clip to, but I can't even get an indication for where it can attach the EVA Transfer line I'm carrying stuck to my Kerbals backpack. To make it clear, I'm trying to attach to the vessel that is mining.
  9. About EVA Transfer, I picked up the line from the attached point, but I couldn't attach it to the other craft. Mouseover wouldn't 'pick' the line from the backpack, so no matter what I tried I couldn't attach it. Do I do something wrong?
  10. I did upgrade my GPU drivers, but to no effect. Tearing in OpenGL.
  11. Windows 7 AMD Radeon HD 6900 or something like it. Intel Core i7 2600K overclocked to 4,4 Ghz. 8 GB memory, DD3. But yeah, I'll try uprgading video card drivers. Been ages since I last did that... Oh and thanks for the quick reply. Sorry that I didn't sooner notice it.
  12. I started using OpenGL, to manage more mods without crashing. Now when I move the camera around on the launchpad, and VAB, textures disappear and come and go. How can I remedy this?
  13. I've done this, with temperature scans on the other side of the planet. Yup, for 25 mins I kept holding my up key to keep my plane not from nosediving at 4x speed. Trouble is, every now and then something jolted my plane so it was far from stable. Keeping SAS on was so and so. It made my plane further wobbly. Btw, two fuel thanks of the third size you get was sufficient for me. And nope, didn't use MechJeb.
  14. I thought it's a bad way to transmit science instead of returning it. Should I expect to get such amount of science later on so that I can skip on on the few points of science that you lose by transmitting it instead of returning with the craft?
  15. I haven't unlocked that much technology wise yet. I wonder if there's something that would give me an incentive to revisit a space station or satellite once in a while. I.e. I don't like the idea of just putting them up there and forgetting about them. Like, research stations or something. Currently my idea is to harvest research by flying up rockets, and returning them to Kerbin. But then there's those 'put up a satellite missions'... Ok, I get them up there, but what then? Mods that work with 1.0.2 can also be suggested. I'm not sure which actually add value here and are supported in 1.0.2.
  16. Top right, the one that says 'SAS', if I read it right.
  17. What I do is try to click the SAS button which is located at the top right of the Navball. When I do that with a Pilot, I get a red text message stating 'No Target'. AFAIK the SAS button should lit yellow, but it doesn't do that either.
  18. I'm new. And yeah, I like Career mode. Which is a bit difficult. But I've tried to go back to Science or Sandbox, and egh, I can't really take that. So I'm continuing with Career, and I'm having trouble going to orbit. I'd like to try to do it with SAS. Despite manning my rocket propelled spaceship with a Pilot, I don't get SAS enabled. What am I missing?
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