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Everything posted by morph9833

  1. Hey there, i have some problems to get this mod working for me. Running on the latest version of KSP (1.1.2). Maybe there are some conflicts with other mods, like "ConnectedLivingSpace"? Im not able to press "Y" to unbuckle from the chair in IVA. It would be cool if one of you may help me. Looking forward to play around with this awesome mod! Greetings,
  2. yeah, you can remove it, you just need these two listed files. :-)
  3. i still get crashes when i am switching the scene to launch Pad with ships about 500 Parts. Let me write down some more Details: PC: Win 8.1 84 Bit GTX 770 i7 4770k 8 GB RAM -------------------- KSP is running on Win 64 Bit My gamedata mod folder contains: 000_Toolbar 000_USITools BahaSP BoulderCo Chatterer CollisionFX CommunityResourcePack DarkMultiPlayer DistantObject EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements EVAManager.dll Firespitter HotRockets! Particle FX Replacement JSI KAS KAX KIS Kopernicus KWRocketry MagicSmokeIndustries MechJeb2 ModRocketSys NavyFish NearFutureProps OPM OuterPlanetsMod.version PlanetShine QuickSearch QuizTechAero scatterer ShipManifest Squad StationPartsExpansion TextureReplacer ThunderAerospace ToadicusTools toolbar-settings.dat TweakableEverything TweakScale UmbraSpaceIndustries UniversalStorage ModuleAnimateEmissive ModuleManager.2.6.2.dll ModuleManager.2.6.3.dll ModuleManager.ConfigCache ModuleManager.ConfigSHA ModuleManager.Physics ModuleManager.TechTree ------------------------------------------------------------ Output file: https://paste.ee/p/4X9F3 It would be really great if one of you could figure it out where exactly the problem is. Thanks
  4. i Think Mechjeb is making some problems in the 64 Bit version. I tried it a few times, and every time it was mechjeb what was creating the crashes. It can not really handle with large rockets. Can anyone agree that?
  5. hey there, im also running on ksp 64 Bit. But i have to say that my game crashes, when i am switching between the LaunchPad and Building Center and sometimes when i am entering the space. Is there a way to fix it? Greetings
  6. hey there, for me its not really working...the game starts, it appears a development build and im hanging in the loading screen...cant go to the main menu.....what did i wrong?
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