I get the same, also with several mods installed, but none in common that I can tell. My crashes occur when transitioning from VAB/SPH to launch and vice versa. I haven't been able to figure it out. My mods: Karbonite (comprised of: USITools, CommunityResourcePack, UmbraSpaceIndustries) BahaSP BDArmory CollisionFX FerramAerospaceResearch Firespitter (includes ModularFlightIntegrator) InterstellarFuelSwitch KAX KerbalFoundries MagicSmokeIndustries MechJeb2 NearFutureConstruction NovaPunch2 PartCatalog QuizTechAero StockBugFixModules ThrottleControlledAvionics TweakScale I've removed a few that I would expect to be causing crashes, but none of the removed ones have had an effect, and as it takes so long to start the game each time, I haven't bothered probing much deeper. I'm reading that the mono.dll crash is caused by the program running out of memory (32 bit KSP has a 3.5 gb memory limit) but I don't know how to run this many mods without exceeding the memory limit. I've read that there is a memory leak associated with the launch mode temperature gauge, which can be disabled by pressing F10, but I haven't noticed this reducing crash frequency so it might only be a minor part of the problem. I've read in the past texture scattering has a memory leak as well but I'm not sure if that's been patched since. I'm going to try Active Texture Management (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-24-Release-3-3-1-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs!) and I'll let you know how that works. e: Alright, tentatively I'm going to say it's helping. I also switched over to 64 bit KSP.