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Everything posted by bossbrigand

  1. New (and simple) user here: several mods include pre-packaged plugins (Firespitter being the current issue) and CKAN refuses to install them together. Is there a workaround for this? I'm sorry if I missed an explanation somewhere but it's been a hectic day and I'm ready to sit down and play with rockets.
  2. I get the same, also with several mods installed, but none in common that I can tell. My crashes occur when transitioning from VAB/SPH to launch and vice versa. I haven't been able to figure it out. My mods: Karbonite (comprised of: USITools, CommunityResourcePack, UmbraSpaceIndustries) BahaSP BDArmory CollisionFX FerramAerospaceResearch Firespitter (includes ModularFlightIntegrator) InterstellarFuelSwitch KAX KerbalFoundries MagicSmokeIndustries MechJeb2 NearFutureConstruction NovaPunch2 PartCatalog QuizTechAero StockBugFixModules ThrottleControlledAvionics TweakScale I've removed a few that I would expect to be causing crashes, but none of the removed ones have had an effect, and as it takes so long to start the game each time, I haven't bothered probing much deeper. I'm reading that the mono.dll crash is caused by the program running out of memory (32 bit KSP has a 3.5 gb memory limit) but I don't know how to run this many mods without exceeding the memory limit. I've read that there is a memory leak associated with the launch mode temperature gauge, which can be disabled by pressing F10, but I haven't noticed this reducing crash frequency so it might only be a minor part of the problem. I've read in the past texture scattering has a memory leak as well but I'm not sure if that's been patched since. I'm going to try Active Texture Management (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-24-Release-3-3-1-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs!) and I'll let you know how that works. e: Alright, tentatively I'm going to say it's helping. I also switched over to 64 bit KSP.
  3. Well, TCA isn't messing with the IR rotatrons that turn the main fans, and those alone should theoretically be enough to lift it, since, combined, they're producing a total of 500-800 kN on their own. The jets are there for attitude control, but are each producing 500 kN themselves. We should have a total of 1500 kN of lift, but we're not moving. The engineer in the hangar says it's 41 tons, but apparently he's lying because... ... it didn't even occur to me that the actual mass could be different from what the engineer says. I just assumed TweakScale adjusted the mass in the hangar. That's what I get for trying to throw together a helicarrier on what's basically the first time I've started KSP in 2015. The map view says it's 413.52 tons, and that would explain our lack of flight. Back to the drawing board.
  4. That'd be it. It was 38 tons before I put the shrouds on and it totally slipped my mind to check. Turns out the shrouds are somehow almost 20 tons each. e: Well, after pulling the shrouds off and going to test-fly, we're still sitting on the ground while pushing now 800 kN, weighing only 41 tons, even with assistance from jet engines intended for use as attitude control. Each engine is pushing 500 kN of its own as well.
  5. Is this why this contraption won't fly? It's using IR rotatrons to turn the blades, and it just sits and spins. FAR flight data window says it's generating 500 kN of lift but it's not going anywhere.
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