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Everything posted by LukeTheZuke

  1. What are good ksp mods that adds war weapons? And Who would want to battle me to take over kerbin? We can send each other saves for our new base update. If so you want to add me on steam: /id/Shaadyo/ Please answer the both questions in one post
  2. Thanks guys,it was actually the "old rule-of-thumb" that was screwing me over. I understand alot more about how to get in orbit now that I understood how you guys did it. I was so caught up into the "How to get into Orbit in Kerbal Space Program" videos that I didn't think about experimenting with the other stuff. I know Turn a good bit at 6,000 altitude and it gets me into orbit, longer than usual but I now know I can experiment to understand more about getting into Orbit and stuff. I thought I was quite good but then I saw the replies in my thread. Anyways thank you guys, I fixed the problem
  3. Hello guys, I've been trying for over 2 hours to understand why my rocket goes insane when I am trying to perform a gravity turn and it never seemed to fix. I read through tons of forums saying that you should put aerodynamic fins but none of that worked. I tried with tons of different rockets and it didn't work. I even downloaded a Mun Rocket and the gravity turn still isn't working. I even tried using MechJeb and still not working. Can anyone help me?
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