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Everything posted by Mait3rz

  1. That's the one I've used for a long time now, appears to have stopped working. I found this one that's similar but doesn't work on my phone at all, shame really it was really handy. https://www.dcl.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/home/feinbube/web/stealth/KSPDeltaVMap/
  2. This is great news and hopefully shows KSP will be continued to be developed for years to come. Not so much here but on Facebook and twitter I have noticed a few people moaning about paid DLC. What people need to realise is it's not the crap DLC you tend to see from games now-a-days with £5 colour scheme packs, but a proper expansion. KSP is a business at the end of the day and if people want continued development they will have to support it in other ways. This has always been the case for lots of games with a long lifetime of continued development.
  3. Here's the base I built using this Mod the other night. I'd just like to say thanks to the author as these pieces are awesome, makes base building much better. full construction: Part 1 : https://imgur.com/gallery/NQhGX Part 2 : https://imgur.com/gallery/EbG7I (I'm sure there used to be a button to embed the imgur album on these forums but it seems to have disappeared)
  4. I used a mod called Kerbal planetary base systems, you can attach wheeled landing legs to all the parts with docking ports and Drive the pieces together. If you look at the links part 1 and 2 it shows a step by step building of the base. I wouldn't recommend docking in orbit as unless the centre of mass and thrust is perfectly aligned you're just going to flip on landing. Unless you have a tonne of RCS/SAS pieces and it would still be a pain to do. Heres the mod I used and I would highly recommend it :
  5. Hey guys just wanted to show the base off I've just finished building. Been working on this all day let me know what you think. https://imgur.com/gallery/NQhGX -Part 1 https://imgur.com/gallery/EbG7I - Part 2
  6. yeah that fixed it, why would they even add that as an option? Felt like the first time I ever went EVA again and couldn't get back to the space craft Haha
  7. Hello I'm wondering if someone can help me, my RCS controls seem to have got messed up when you go EVA and use the RCS thrusters, the Kerbal used to orientate himself to the direction I press but that doesn't seem to be happening anymore. Can anyone give me any advice? Think I may have found the answer activating SAS while in EVA will hopefully fix this. Not at a PC right now but I will report back.
  8. Hey guys it's been a while since I have played KSP. I last played it on version 1.0.5. I am wanting to update to the most recent version, whats the best way for me to do this, I have quite a few mods installed. Would it be as simple as running the patcher then copying and pasting the new version of the mods into the game data folder? I ran the patcher and started KSP just fine without updating any of the mods, I didn't get any of the pop up messages telling the mods are out of date which I thought was strange. When I then updated the mods by just copying and pasting the most recent versions it then asked me to update KSP to the most recent version on the pop up messages when the game starts. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. Below is my most recent mission to Duna/Ike it consists of: x 3 interplanetary vehicles a reusable lander for both Duna/Ike an orbital refinery Narrow band scanner M700 scanner an unmanned ore carrier a ground mining base a return vehicle
  10. Detailed album of me creating my most recent space station.
  11. Below is my most recent mission to Duna/Ike it consists of: x 3 interplanetary vehicles a reusable lander for both Duna/Ike an orbital refinery Narrow band scanner M700 scanner an unmanned ore carrier a ground mining base a return vehicle Currently just set off for an intercept with Duna
  12. I had this same issue last night, I'd just finished launhing 2 interplanetary ships, a station to dock with them and also a lander, launched and docked them all in orbit no problem. Then I went to build a scanner probe to dock to the ships and send to Duna. I had the same issues it seems to be very prone to flipping out. In the end I used an orange tank main sail, with X 4 grey 1.25 m drop tanks, fuel lines and asperagus staging. Along with 4 delta deluxe winglets, had to use RCS to help stabilise it. Also had to start the gravity turn quite late. You may also want to try removing the fairing all together, on my design I did keep it however in the past I've had quite a few issues with fairings actually causing the craft to flip. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe there is some sort of bug with the way fairings calculate drag?
  13. So I posted this station a couple of posts back, however that was just a test model I was using with hyper edit. Last night I finished building the real thing. Completed without mechjeb assistance. Sitting at roughly 280 parts. It took 5 launches. At an orbit of around 125 K.M. I give you Aether command station.
  14. Here's the space station I'm building at the moment, haven't got a name for it as of yet so it's just known as the KSS, finished designing it last night. Broken it down into seperate modules now it's time to launch each one and build it in orbit. Pictures show the full station hyper edited into orbit. Will update when I'm finished tonight.
  15. Is there any mod that can add a runway on laythe? I've seen the mod where you can change the placing of ksc. However I'm looking for one that would just add a runway on laythe somewhere, that I could build a base around?
  16. Thanks man after checking it says female kerbals randomly die, might give it a miss haha
  17. Anywhere else we can download this from now kerbal stuff has gone?
  18. Hello can someone point me in the right direction for the custom kerbal suits like in the OP. The ones that are all 1 colour. I've had a look through what's displayed but couldn't find what I was looking for, I think its due to kerbal stuff shutting down?
  19. Thanks man, I'm building a modular station around ike, part count was low but I had to add loads of rcs ports to all the separate bits it sent the part count sky rocketing only to be used once! how do I change this to answered?
  20. Is it possible to remove unwanted RCS ports using the KAS mod?
  21. Yeah when you control the craft they are all in you can go to the map screen. If you look on the right hand side there should be a few tabs if you click the one that looks like a kerbal you can see more information there .
  22. Hey I was having the same issue too, it's a bug with the most recent release of mechjeb. If you download the latest stable dev build version from http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/ it resolved the issue I was having.
  23. Hey I was having the same issue too, it's a bug with the most recent release of mechjeb. If you download the latest stable dev build version from http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/ it resolved the issue I was having.
  24. Hey what exactly was the problem? I have the exact same issue and it only seems to happen on one of my ships, the rest all seem to work fine. I even rebuilt the ship and kept launching it step by step mechjeb working fine until. I added a science lab and a probe into a MK 3 bay. Now mechjeb is broken and behaves exactly as you described. Removing the parts that broke it don't fix the issue.
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