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Everything posted by savior

  1. thanks, i did not think that i had to right click -> test sometimes...because i did a couple of contracts just by staging and thought that it was enough. I would never have thought about it. - - - Updated - - - how do you that? from the building hangar, right click? I use that only to limit let's say, the solid boosters boost to 66% to make it last longer. Can i also put less fuel inside the same way? And in that way does the piece cost less?
  2. Ok so i just need to START the engine in that range ? even for 1 second ? It can be tricky indeed. What i did with another contract was to put 4 solid booster engines to be tested, divided in 2 stages. I activated the first two boosters with the main engine for the take off. And waited to reach the needed height to activate the other 2 boosters. Is this the correct way to do it ? And could this temporary availability of technology be exploited to reach some place that you could not otherwise ?
  3. Hi all, I have noticed i have some contracts that ask me to test some engines that i still do not have the required science "slot" for. If i take the contract I find the engine in the construction building (with different color). Does the engine disappear after i finish the contract ? Also, when it says to test the engine from 21.000 to 25.000 meters, does it mean that the engine needs to stay on for that whole range or only a few seconds in that range of height ? Thank you!
  4. YEEEESSS I managed to get into orbit finally! With the 18 Tons limit it was (almost?) impossible, at least for me. Got into orbit, (after a few attempts and a few beers ) then i corrected the orbit to pass above the area where i had to take the crew report. So i did also that contract. Cool! It was not easy to set the orbit to pass exactly above that particular point, because of camera angles, but luckily i managed just switching/tilting camera and trying to make it as closer as possible. Or was there some automatic procedure to make it more precise ? Like clicking on the point -> navigate here and mix this with the orbit route ? Maybe it would be useful to know for the future if there is such a procedure, in case i need to pass above an exact point, which i think will happen often
  5. Cool, thanks, you anticipated my next question that I would have asked, i thought that the manuver nodes were on by default. I am studying the wiki, including what the buildings upgrades do, because these things are not explained in Scott's videos.
  6. Thanks, problem with contracs is that i can have only 2 maximum active and i don't want to withdraw anyone. I would like to take the ones where you are asked to test some engines but at the moment i am stuck with 2 out of 2 contracts. I think i will have to upgrade also the mission centre. Thanks for that regarding the pilot experience, i thought it was me who was doing something wrong.
  7. I have checked, the mission is to take a crew report ABOVE 17.000 metres. But i still cannot do it. I click the marker in the map and "navigate here", i point to the symbol in the bottom wheel, but as soon as i go too much horizontally, i loose control and start twisting and going back towards the ground before even finishing the fuel. At that point i cannot recover the stability (despite the new fins i got, those that can orientate) and the only thing i can do is to detach the still half-full fuel tanks or I crash even faster... I think i will do when i am in orbit. I was struggling getting there because of the 18 tons limit but i just discovered that i needed to upgrade the launch bay. Now with 180 tons i can build a proper rocket, get into orbit and then try to pass above that point, hopefully i will manage. By the way, why when i activate the sas, the icons to go to proapsis etc do not appear like they did in the tutorial ? Do i need some specific equipment to make them appear ?
  8. Many, many thanks!!! for giving some more homework I have printed it, will study tonight
  9. Wow, lucky you!! how do i build planes? they are not in Scott's tutorials. I guess i just need to research the appropriate science tree and use the other hangar, right ?
  10. Exactly, I am using the engine without gimbal whatever , I still have the most basicest stuff . Many thanks, this clarifies a lot of things. I think i put 4 of those fins and they were too many indeed. I will try again with these knowledge, but i am quite sure an airplane is needed for that kind of mission, that i still cannot build. Also, if i try to steer down, to stay below 17km, the rocket starts pointing downwards without hope of resuming the ascension, then it crashes. I did not experience RUD yet, and i hope i won't ! Such a helpful community here on kerbal, really fantastic!
  11. I am quite sure it says "below that height" , but i am not home to check..
  12. thank you Sal_vager, I have read this in the link you posted so i think there is not much to do atm, i thought it was a very common problem with a very easy fix Sound/physics stutters This is a bug in Unity and it affects some players quite badly and others not at all, though is most common on Windows, there is no known cause or fix at this time.
  13. Hi all, I think it is a known problem but i could not find anything using the search function. The sounds (music and FX) seem fine at the beginning of missions, then all of a sudden, usually while i am in orbit or very high anyway, music and any sound stops. Sometimes it is also scratching. Then randomly music and sound start again. How to solve it? Many thanks
  14. Thanks a lot for the replies!! Unfortunately i cannot build planes yet, so I was trying to do it with a rocket and that does not sound so simple indeed. Impossible for a noob like me. I have watched the first tutorials by Scott Manley, up to the orbiting one, but this mission was skipped. I hope it is like DeMatt Said , that i need the AV-R8 Winglets. I was using the most basic ones and i thought those were the ones that helped steering, while the AV-R8 being fixed fins. StreetWind, do i understand correctly that while i am below 10.000 meters it is almost impossible to turn the rocket with the basic "fins " ? I am using a 6-8 liquid fuel tanks rocket, 15-17 tons of weight more or less. I will try again tonight, but i think for that mission i really need a plane.
  15. Hi all, I am a complete noob. I am trying to do one of the first missions, take a crew report at 17.000m above a certain area. 1 - Yesterday I was struggling because my rocket would not turn anywhere...then i realized i probably had put a scientist as crew, could that be the reason ? If i have only a scientist on board rocket has no control wahtsoever ? 2 - If that was the reason, how do i actually reach that point and at that height ? I clicked on the map the point and then "navigate here". Activated "T" key, but there is no option to navigate anywhere. Maybe because of previous point (no pilot) ? Also, how to reach that part AT THAT HEIGHT could be a problem maybe. 3 - How do you detach only one part from the rockets while building ? Sometimes it gets frustrating and you have to do the whole rocket again. Thank you if you can help. A slightly frustrated kelbar
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