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    Curious George
  1. Hey there, read your post and thought I'd give it a crack. Here's a craft that I made that can get a full orange tank into orbit. I didn't include a mono tank but you can add one easily enough. This SSTO has some issues, such as no RCS controls at all, and it gets a bit hairy at high speeds, also I haven't bothered trying reentry. Anyways, it's a bit rough but I got it into orbit on my first try without adjusting my original design, and it should give you a pretty good platform to improve upon and get ideas from. To fly it to orbit, I start with SAS on, full throttle, and I wound up having to use the end of the runway to get off the ground. Then I pitched up at around 40 degrees, until I got to ~8km, then i dropped down to ~20 degrees, and gradually down to 5 degrees at 10-11km, where I kept a pretty level flight with minimal altitude gain until I started going over 1km/s. At this point just start climbing at a rate that maintains your velocity. At around 20-22km when your velocity starts to drop off, activate stage 2, pitch up, and you should be good. I didn't set up any control groups for this either which would be a good idea, but you can fiddle with all of that to your heart's content. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3dix5d5Bwf7bW5LeHRGa0UzRlU/view?usp=sharing
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