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Everything posted by bagofholding

  1. Having some sort of real second stage would help with the CoM issues as there would be heavier upper tanks and an engine above the first stage keeping the CoM high as the first stage empties. The reason the drag is acting so bad and causing you to flip out is it has a longer "lever" to work with. Just glance at the distance from the tip of the rocket to the CoM (which will only increase in this design) vs the CoM and the CoL at the bottom. When drag applies to the top it can pull down with a greater force than can act with the lever that the CoL is using on the CoM. The thrust vectoring can help the CoL situation a bit but still likely not enough to save things in this case.
  2. I got DRE to blow up a ship on the pad in my career again. Shame the first time it happened last night was during an early tourist mission. Whoops! At least it wasn't an expensive astronaut! Here's a zip of KSP.log as well as output_log. I don't see a player.log file anywhere around however. DRE-Boom The remains of the rocket on the launchpad looked like they were getting reentry heating. Before the boom I had just viewed a vessel that was orbiting kerbin from the tracking station. Then went to VAB and launchpad and instant boom. Just search the log for "Exploded" but I don't see anything strange in the log at or around that point.
  3. Ugg...first time I tried to post his and the forum kraken seemed to eat it...take 2 at 3:10am! Thanks for the hard work on FAR, ferram4. I finally ran into the zero aerodynamics bug again today and this time it actually started on the rocket launchpad. Previous times had been when returning to a vessel from the tracking station. It appears to get stuck in a loop trying to Update the Vessel Voxel. A clip of the log going from the VAB to the Pad is here: http://pastebin.com/chuNsU9r Let me know if you would like other bits of the log (it was 7.7MB from this play session) The error will clear upon exiting and reloading the game with the one problem if you're getting the issue while already suborbital this could be quite an issue (it was on my original hard mode save!) No aero braking and only speed up until you splat since you're going way too fast for chutes. Hopefully this issue may be fixed already with your recent github commits but it may be a tricky one to track down since it seems to happen randomly and cannot be repeated even with the same craft. I'd say it may be a memory issue since exit and reload fixes things right up. Once again, thanks ferram4 and I'll see what I can do to repeat this in an instance without other mods tomorrow if needed. The vessel itself was entirely stock parts besides the Realchitelite modified chute.
  4. I finally had the zero aerodynamic forces bug happen to me again at the end of quite a long playing session. I don't recall it happening directly on the launch pad from the editor but it did this time. If you have the FAR window open and are in atmo you know the bug is happening when Mach (if you're moving) and reynolds stay at zero. I launched without realizing but it wasn't all bad since areo couldn't hold me back! I have a feeling that it may be related to memory usage issues since it seems sporadic and not easily repeatable. When the bug is happening it seems that FAR gets stuck in a loop trying to voxelize the craft. I am using Ferram 0.15.1. I have a pastebin of the log of the craft going from the editor to the launchpad. The message that winds up repeating over and over is: [LOG timestamp] Updating vessel voxel for <vessel name> I have a clip of the log here: http://pastebin.com/chuNsU9r This issue also happened to me when returning to a craft from the tracking station. However, when you do that FAR does not display Mach or Reynolds until you hit atmo and at that point if you are set to hit the ground you're doomed. (ie suborbital flights.) If you're orbital but set a PE in the lower atmo then you're fine if you have enough electric charge to reload the game once you get back out of the atmo. Until this bug is tracked down hard mode may be extra FUN. I modified mine and now quicksave before atmo reentry. Let me know if you want to look at anything else in the log file I would likely zip and post it since the darn thing uncompressed is 7.7MB. The first time it happened it was on a craft using just stock parts besides the RealchuteLite modified chutes that came with Ferram. I have yet to use Procedural tanks on any of my craft. For all I know one of your current fixes that are in Github takes care of the issue but I'm not set up to compile the source and try out those recent changes for myself. Let me know if there is anything else you need ferram4 and I'll to my best to assist you and I'll try to assist you in the morning. 3AM is much too late to be working on this issue any longer! Thanks for the awsome mod, ferram4!
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