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Everything posted by LavaCake

  1. Played Brawl, then the original N64 and now I am playing 3DS, either my 3 mains are Kirby, Ike and Lucina. (Kirby in Brawl/Original) I am still trying to figure out "reading" and all that, I just prefer the ol' dodge/grab technique with Kirby.
  2. Wait, Endersmens joined in 2013, if you remove the 2, 0 and 1, you get 3! A triangle has 3 sides, the Illuminati has a triangle, therefore... ​ENDERSMENS IS IN THE ILLUMINATI!
  3. Banned for making a mod that sounds like it is for farts.
  4. Make sure to light that up, might get that bowl into space. Waiter! There is a mass of neutrinos in my soup! I don't want to eat it because it will go right through me!
  5. Stick your tongue into the fan while trying to say the alphabet. Why is there this sniffy-thing on my face?
  6. Scott Manley is usually seen kicking children out of his house during Halloween while yelling; "YOUR LANDING VELOCITY IS INCORRECT!"
  7. Not bad, seems legit too! So I guess this kind of answers my question, good job!
  8. "Ham is not a very attractive meat" - My Father, 2014 Or "I sometimes like to give a courtesy flush" - Peer from my class on the topic of toilets/outhouses, 2014
  9. Best/Favorites: Kerbal Space Program - Kinda obvious, but whatever, it has great gameplay and I love the creativity it allows with both mods and vanilla gameplay Fire Emblem Awakening - Probably my favorite non-PC game, it has one of the best stories in a game I've seen from experience and grasps your attention with it's addictive story line Spore - It's been years since I last played it, but I will always remember it as being rather atmospheric and very big in scale, then again, it may be nostalgia blindness! Team Fortress 2 - Great gameplay and a good community, what else must can you ask for? Garry's Mod - The amount of addons, customization and hours to be had is amazing! I already logged 800 hours in the amount of time it took me to get to 500 hours in TF2! Starbound - Yes, it's lack of updates has been controversial, but I still remain close to it and stick to it's nice atmosphere, good game play, and nice sense of progression. Unturned - Most likely one of the best F2P games you can get on PC at the moment, because it is ACTUALLY FREE (No microtransactions, just one 5 dollar "Gold Membership" and that's it!), plays well and rather remarkably is all developed by a 16 year old! Worst/Least Favorites: Ace of Spades - Very disappointing with it's lack of content for price, balancing issues and lacking community, just a bore, really. Roblox - It's been years since I played this game, but unlike Spore, I want to avoid it like the plague! Simply because it has the worst community of any game EVER, as it is full of 5 year olds, idiots and a few power-abusing "adults". This combined with the incompetent developers, hostility and crooked "nationalism" of groups (Which treat themselves like giant nations when they are run by 5 year olds), the entirety of the "membership" system (Which reeks of P2P) and the general constant spiral the game has gone in since 2010! By far the worst game I ever played! Bad Rats - This game is bad, but atleast it is laughably bad! It has awful gameplay, PS1-style graphics/visuals and a strange story. But at least the game and community are nonsensical and don't really treat themselves seriously! Sure you have to buy it, but on a steam sale it can go down to about 20 cents (Which is what I bought it for), but I still wouldn't buy it, except as a joke. Turbo Dismount - For me, it really is kind of below average, as it also lies in the same demeanor as Goat Simulator to me. It is quite fun and humorous for a couple hours, but after that is becomes kinda boring and repetitive. Luckily, those are really the only games I have personal gripes with (THAT I HAVE OWNED!).
  10. Mmhmm, for as said by TheDarkStar, I do not take this thread (Or really what I am saying!) as fact but rather a hypothetical situation where this would be fact while it could very well just be fiction. Anyways, back to the science! In the context of my previous statement, I believe that a certain "streak" of light extremely thin (Perhaps to the subatomic level) but maybe as long as the distance between the wormhole entrances would be viewed from an outside viewer if they were in between the two wormholes and viewing the "spaghettified" object in question travelling in between the two wormholes. This would be somewhat similar in how teleporters could send "streams" of atoms from one teleporter entrance to another to be reassembled in whatever is being teleported, except it is a much larger distance and the "streams" are much thinner and spread across a much farther distance, as well as going at a much faster speed.
  11. That could be very well the case, but I imagine the "path" from one wormhole end to another having objects being "tugged" by both wormhole ends in opposite directions, similar to how the massive difference in regular space-gravity and a black hole causes spaghettification, the massive gradient between regular space and warped space in a worm hole may be just as effective. (Then again, I could be an idiot and not having a single theory like this to support me )
  12. NOTE: Since they are the most well-known of the types of wormholes, I would appreciate that this discussion stick to Schwarzchild Wormholes Backstory: I was quite bored at a baby Cousin's 1st birthday and was playing around in the grass at about 2 PM or so. I pluck a blade of grass and hold it so that the blade was flat on it's wider side going horizontally. I move the grass up on one end and down on the other slightly, noticing how the light will appear as a point on a corner but much more "spread out" on the actual plane. When moved with one side moving up, it seems to shift from one corner to the plane to the other corner, almost as if the actual light is "stretched" out. This reminded me of spaghettification in black holes, but on the subject of black holes, it also reminded me of wormholes as the light traveled from one point to another in a "black hole fashion". This connection of spaghettificaiton and wormholes brought to my mind a question; Does spaghettification happen while traveling IN a wormhole? The Hypothesis: If black holes are thought to create the process of spaghettification while entering them and that wormholes are similar to two connecting black holes, does spaghettification happen while in the process of traveling from one wormhole end to another? I would love to hear all of you people's opinions on this matter (Heh, physics joke ) as well as other hypotheses supporting and against this one.
  13. Hello, I am having an issue whenever I open the VAB or even the Tracking Station, the game engine freezes and I can only press the "Back" button on the bottom right when in game. Do you have any ideas of a way to fix this?
  14. I accidentally double posted on this, go to the REAL version here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/123616-Five-More-Days-%28WIP%21%29
  15. Five More Days (WIP) A Fanfiction By LavaCake Part I; Ascent I watch the waves lap onto the coast in serenity in the metal cage, looking out the window to glimpse my home for the last time. A peircing call from mission control commands my attention, forcing me back into reality. One by one, I flick the red switches by the launch protocol that has been drilled in my memory, activating SAS, RCS and activating the orbital map for future reference. I report the usual "Nominal" to control and they give the countdown. "T-minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, ignition on, 4, 3, 2, 1, liftoff." The jolt of massive boosters underneath me tugs me to the back of my seat, I grab hold of the controls and make the necessary minute changes to the navigation of the craft. I stare at the nav ball, knowing that losing track of it could mean disaster. In the corner of my eye I see my velocity climbing steadily, as well as my altitude over Kerbin. I glance at the fuel gauges for the solid boosters at first stage, see the fuel deplete, decouple, then activate the 2nd stage liquid fuel boosters. Hand still on the controls and accelerator (Though the latter was worthless for the boosters) I am told that my apoapsis will be substantial for a 100 kilometer orbit. I am then giving a node directive; accelerate 1000 m/s in T- 5 minutes. I check the controls again, making sure they are nominal, before looking out of my window to see something I thought I never would; a sunrise from space, seeing the delicate majesty and balance of the solar system. I stare there until I glance at the node counter and realize there are 30 seconds until the node arrives. I wait 'till 10 seconds and activate the liquid-fuel engine, feeling yet another jerk towards the back of my seat, vibrating and shaking uncontrollably. After about a minute of burn, I am told "Cut acceleration, you have reached nominal velocity" by control and yank the thrust lever backward as the beads of sweat gather at my brow, trying to get the rusted stick backward. I sigh of relief when it gives in and goes back, feeling the engines deflate. Part II; Mishap MC chimes in and states "A node has been made for t-minus 30 minutes for you to preform a Hohmann Maneuver to the moon, it will require you to gain 1400 m/s in acceleration, but we believe your 2nd stage thrusters will do." I respond back with the usual "Roger that" and turn the mighty ship with the power of monopropellant. I sit there, snooping around in the cabin containers, looking at the usual "Food" and "More Food" containers until I spot the "Pilot Distractions" container and open it, seeing a rather remarkable assortment of cheap dollar-store items. I see a notepad and pen and grab both. I click at the pen in rhythm, wondering what I should draw. I cease the clicking and gain inspiration; I will draw the sunset of Kerbin from orbit. Curve after curve, line after line, I draw a sketch that rather does not do the majesty of space justice. But it will suffice, for now. I put the pen and paper back in the "Pilot Distractions" cupboard, but hold onto my masterpiece and put it in my pocket. MC startles me by saying "You are t-minus two minutes away from the node, activate thrusters A.S.A.P." I then slowly move the accelerator forward and watch as the "Pilot Distractions" cupboard flings open and spews out its contents backward.
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