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Posts posted by DScamp

  1. 17 minutes ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

    First of all- virtually all planet packs use Kopernicus, and Kopernicus is NOT 1.9.x (any version of 1.9) compatible yet. You can't use planet packs in 1.9.x and you'll have to roll back to 1.8.1 to use them.

    Secondly- rescaling the solar system will almost certainly break your save game. Anything orbiting the Sun will be in the completely wrong place, and anything orbiting planets also has a good chance of ending up inside them. You'll need to start a fresh save.

    Third- if you want a ~2.5x rescaled solar system, your options are either a) Sigma Dimensions and Rescale!, or b) JNSQ. Sigma/Rescale is the simpler option, it just makes the stock planets bigger and has configs from 2.5x to 10.625x (apparently that makes Kerbin the same size as Earth) and tweaks things like gravity and atmosphere heights to match; it's fairly memory light both in terms of mod size and RAM use while the game is running. It can also rescale planets from other mods, although I haven't ever done that myself so can't tell you which will work and which won't. If you just want the stock planets to be 2.5x bigger and that's it, this is the way to go.

    JNSQ is a rather different mod: it completely redoes the stock planets so they look considerably different to stock, adds a number of new planets and moons and is 2.7x larger than stock. It's a great mod, I'm currently using it for a career game, but it's a big beast of a mod: almost 2GB in size, the biggest mod on CKAN; it uses quite a bit of RAM while the game is running, so less powerful machines won't cope well/at all with it; and it doesn't work with Sigma/Rescale or most other normal planet packs, however there is a version of the Grannus planet pack specially made for JNSQ. If you want something a little different and have a powerful enough PC to cope, I highly recommend you try JNSQ as it's very well made and having a totally different Kerbin might make it a bit easier to adjust to the difference in scale.

    Jimmymcgoochie thank you so so much for taking the time to reply in such detail. You've completely answered all my questions/worries.

    I'll start a new career with JNSQ since it sounds very interesting!

    Again, I appreciate it immensely! 

  2. Hello!

    I've been a a long time ksp player for many years and I am finally ready to try ksp at 2.5x the size, and I have a few questions before I start the venture.

    I am on the newest version of KSP and currently playing a career. Which mod/s would you recommend for me to achieve a stock kerbin 2.5X rescale that would be compatible with 1.9 and NOT break my career? My current mod list is as follows:


    KSP: 1.9.1 (Win64) - Unity: 2019.2.2f1 - OS: Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
    ClickThroughBlocker -
    ToolbarControl -
    KSP-Recall -
    Airplane Plus - 26.0.4
    B9 Part Switch - 2.16
    BD Animation Modules -
    BetterTimeWarpContinued -
    Bluedog Design Bureau - 1.6.2
    Chatterer -
    Community Category Kit - 5.0
    Community Resource Pack - 1.3
    CommunityTechTree - 3.4.1
    Contract Configurator - 1.28
    Contract Pack: Historical Progression - 1.6
    Contract Pack: Historical Progression - 0.8.1
    Contract Pack: Bases and Stations -
    DistantObjectEnhancement - 2.0.2
    DMagic Orbital Science - 1.4.3
    Contract Parser - 1.0.9
    Contracts Window Plus -
    Progress Parser - 1.0.11
    EditorExtensionsRedux - 3.4.1
    Engine Lighting Relit -
    Environmental Visual Enhancements -
    Ferram Aerospace Research -
    Haystack ReContinued -
    HideEmptyTechTreeNodes - 1.1.2
    JanitorsCloset - 0.3.7
    Kerbin Environmental Institute -
    Kerbal Engineer Redux -
    Kerbal Inventory System - 1.25.7420.31998
    KSP-AVC Plugin -
    ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.7
    Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.8.6
    S.A.V.E -
    PlanetShine -
    RealChute -
    RealPlume - Stock - 4.0.1
    ResonantOrbitCalculator -
    ReStock - 1.1.1
    ReStockPlus - 1.1.1
    SCANsat -
    Simple Adjustable Fairings - Plugin - 1.10
    Stock Visual Enhancements - 1.4
    Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.13
    TweakScale -
    [x] Science! - 5.26

    If it isn't possible to achieve a 2.5x rescale without breaking my career, then I wouldn't mind starting fresh. 

    I appreciate any feedback! This community is one of the best I've ever seen in any game.


  3. 36 minutes ago, Jognt said:

    Using Kopernicus I get around 12 FPS with a 4670k 4ghz and a gtx980. With both the CPU and GPU hardly doing work (KSP thread isnt even maxing 1 core..) so I'm guessing Kopernicus is getting stuck in an expensive Unity loop.

    Disabling Scatter and ROCs (savefile edit) massively improves FPS.

    Thanks! I changed both scatter lines to False, but I do not know what ROC is. Would you kindly help me out with that one?

  4. 10 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

    Thanks for the confirmation;  are there precise steps that reproduce the problem, or is it a bit more random?

    (So far I've been unable to reproduce the issue during testing, so have not been able to proceed any further with investigations; has been reported multiple times, so I have no doubt that there is a problem... I just haven't been able to see it yet)

    Unfortunately it seems to be random...it seems to happen more often with the LV and MUS tanks. After I reload the craft a few times, the problem seems to not manifest itself as often anymore. This happens with sub-assemblies and craft files btw.

    I do have a lengthy list of mods installed so I am afraid I won't be as much of a help. Maybe it could be a problem with B9PartSwitch & ISFS installed together? Anyways, let me know if I could do anything to help. Your work is immensely appreciated! 

  5. On 12/15/2017 at 11:30 AM, akron said:

    Try this:

            @Magnetometer_Parts ^= :$:,ca_magneto2,ca_vor_mag,mer_mag,ca_stereoBoom
            @RPWS_Parts ^= :$:,ca_RPWS,ca_RPWS_STEREO

    I may have fumbled the NEEDS parameter

    Just tried it and the magetometer and rpws are still not recognized for the contracts. 

    God these probes and parts look amazing!

  6. 16 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

    That is quite weird.  It is definitely present on the .zip in my dev repo.  D/L'ng the github copy now to check in case something went wrong there....

    (I really couldn't see there being any permissions-related problems with specific files)

    In the mean-time, you can grab the TU release right from its repo/releases page:



    Edit:  The release on github looks fine when I download it:


    Got it. Thank you so much! Working perfectly.

  7. 7 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

    Something is causing TexturesUnlimited to fail while loading the shaders and adjusting models.  Likely cause is things not being installed correctly.  More specifically, it is likely caused by a missing configuration file for TexturesUnlimited.

    You should have a file GameData/000_TexturesUnlimted/GeneralConfiguration.cfg  --- is that file present in your installation?  (actually, I can tell from your log file that it is not present)

    Can you show screenshots of the internals of the GameData/000_TexturesUnlimited directory?


    It is missing from the zip file from the update on github...This is weird. I've downloaded it three times. Could it be that Windows user permissions are doing something funky when I dload it?


  8. 5 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:

    What ksp version are you running? You need 1.3.1 for the latest SSTU version.

    Also check that you have the 000_texturesunlimited folder installed.

    Thanks @Jimbodiah, running 1.3.1 and all the SSTU folders are in the GAMEDATA folder.

    2 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

    As @Jimbodiah stated, make sure you have the 000_TextureUnlimited folder in your GameData as well as SSTU.

    Otherwise, I'll need to see your KSP.log file, as that will likely have hints as to what is going on.

    Thanks Shadowmage! I have included my .log


    Thanks guys!

  9. Also, you should disable "fallback part shaders". You should only use that setting on a low end PC, when SM3 or SM2 shaders are not supported (which yours does support and have it checked on)

    One last thing is the "Max persistent debris" on the in game options. I set it to 0 and it hogs up less memory since it doesn't keep tracking debris left by your vessels.

  10. KSP: 1.0.4 Windows 32bit on Win7 64bit (Q9550 @3.6Ghz / 8Gram / HD7970 Ghz)

    Problem: The game crashes within minutes of loading my career save file (between 1-5 mins), as soon as I switch to the space center or vessel. I do have a lot of mods installed, but this problem only started happening last night after having played all day. I've had these same mods installed since I started my career save, so about a week or two ago. Really I cannot figure out a reason why it would start crashing constantly without changing or installing any additional mods. I am guessing that the problem is with one of the mods, since my memory does not go above 3Gb, but I might be wrong.

    Settings as follows:

    • Forcing d3d11, and have been for ages. Opengl crashes for me.
    • All mods through Ckan, and game executed thru it as well.
    • PPFX off

    I have deleted some mods, re installed KSP, and then re installed the mods that I would like to use.

    Hopefully, I can find the mod at fault or some answers/guidance. I believe that this game running with the mods I have active has to be the best game I have ever played and cannot get enough of it :)

    Mods Installed:




    Output: https://db.tt/tbWz54k5

    Error: https://db.tt/iyXAoyd4

    Thank you guys so much!

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