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    You think you have the upper hand.
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    Hurtling toward Valentine.

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  1. With the rising tensions, the Elydan Empire and UKP rushed to complete some basic aeroplanes, while the UKSR neglected airships. It was working on something, though. This is the only picture of the Elydan aeroplane, the Yrion, abandoned in the Eagle Bay Airstrip, a few days before the Duna colony landed, about 25 years ago. There are a few images of the UKP craft, but all of them are after it's military conversion, so I'll leave that out until it fits.
  2. On a celebrated day in the Kerbrian region, and a detested one in the Elydan Empire, Kerbria gained it's independence. Tensions continued to rise between the Three Powers. The six main revolutionary leaders are photographed as part of pro-independence propaganda in the chaos following the Kafrika Spring Revolution. The Kerbrian Flag flies happily over the KSC, at the time known as Elydan Aerial Development Centre 2 (EADC2) After a month, four of the six leaders stand down, after rebuilding stability and initiating a democratic election, modeled after a combination of the Elydan parliamentary system and the UKP presidential system. The election put Mildo Jansen, the green guy, as leader of Kerbria, after barely beating out his fellow revolutionaries in the election. But Siddorf Handel, the kerbal with the beard, refused to step down from his position on the temporary council of leadership. He was quickly ousted by his own voters within the new government. I've also redone the map, exchanging a few nations for others, but a crucial event has yet to happen.
  3. Well, I've managed to get rid of the outdated mod, so this should come back. Just have to make sure everything's sorted.
  4. I apologise to any who wanted this to continue, but I’m waiting on a mod update. I have checked around, and the author of the mod is currently away, so it isn’t going to be updated until probably the end of my school holidays. In the meantime, I’ll get back go making more vehicles.
  5. Only a few short weeks after the launch of the Aerovisia, the UKP and UKSR launched their answers to the EE's challenge. The UKP launched the AS-1, which flew only a short distance before landing, but showing that the UKP would quickly discover how to use anything the other nations had. The AS-1, pictured from the aerial battleship Orion II, during the campaign for the Divided Isles. The UKSR, however, showed that they could be one step ahead of the enemy with the first flight of the A-A. A-A pictured just before it's first flight. It is the only Three Power prewar creation to be pictured before the war began. A-A pictured midflight. Being an aerodyne craft, it was much more maneuverable than the Aerovisia or AS-1. But development in the EE stalled as Kerbrian Rebels bombed the development centre. Things were going to happen soon, and it was going to start in the Elidan Empire.
  6. Yes. But we should start PMing each other, to not fill the thread with us talking. I’ll PM the modlist to you (it’s a lot, athough you only need the ones I used in making the craft) when I get time to play, probably this weekend.
  7. Will have to think about it. I’ve already got things planned for a little naval warfare between EE and UKP, and an entire front in Retrogradia. If you can come up with something that doesn’t include NAS or NKU, (I’ll explain why as the story goes on) I might let you include it. WW1esque craft until fighting begins in USK and Foruna, about midway through the story, where WW2esque craft take over. Many more things are planned, but much less detail. Also, I give my kerbals last names, so original Jeb and Val, and a few unamed others, retain “Kerman”.
  8. I, Jebediah Tangard Fersel, am a Colonian. As in, I was born in one of the Stellar Nations’ colonies. But I wouldn’t have been born on Duna if it weren’t for a war. I went back to my species’ homeworld, Kerbin, to interview a few soldiers from the war. They are by now nearing the end of their life. They have seen three empires fall, and four new ones rise from their ashes. The first is Elrigh Kerbright, a Retrogradian fighter pilot known for daredevil moves in her RG-2 plane, later in the war, as the Retrogradian Front devolved into a stalemate. And yes, Retrogradia is the origin of the term retrograde. They would always launch their rockets backwards, so they landed in Kermenian seas. But enough of the preposition. I met Elrigh in her home city, Apoapsis, which is also Retrogradia’s capital. She was soon to head off to a Four Power veteran conference in the Northern Kerbin Union. Elrigh invited me north to both interview her and possibly catch some other veterans. And so I joined her on a Kerb-3 at Apoapsis Airport. Only a few minutes later, we were flying over the Retrogradian countryside. “So, where should I start?” Elrigh asked me. “Preferably as tensions rose.” I replied. Elrigh Kerman, 85. To humans reading this, Kerbals mature quicker, but age slower. Elrigh began right from the real beginning. The first aircraft, the Aerovisia, built by one of the three powers. The Elidan Empire. It launched from their first test site, located shortly south of their capital, Eagle. It was an airship. Two crewmembers and two scientists flew on it. It only crossed the distance between two islands in the Eagle archipelago. Aerovisia, a few months into the Great Kerbin War. And so, the story of empire’s rise and downfall begins. A map of the various nations at the beginning of this story. Hopefully, this story actually gains momentum.
  9. Hopefully this time, The Great Kerbin War will actually gain mental momentum.

  10. Arrrrggggggghh. My mind wants to go off and build humongous planes and not stay working on KATS (My story). Anyone got any ideas on how to keep on track?
  11. Been away for a bit. Redoing a lot of things.

  12. I am beginning a new story to takeover from Solar Winds Will Change, which has a WIP title. The Elydian Empire was considering what territory lay undiscovered in Kerbin's seas. And so, the transport race would begin with the first launch of the EE A-1 airship. (EE A-1 launch image here(Forget images, its just a pain)) The airship amazed the residents of nearby Kerbton as the giant white balloon took to the skies. Jandolin Garantry and Emiko Harfield would be piloting the airship over to a new island that everyone had seen, but no one had been on. The EE were not expecting the surprise that they saw there. The Northern Kerbal Union had also taken an interest in flight and had beat the Empire to this island. The Elydian kerbals were jumping up and down that the NKU had beat them to an island far away from the northern territories of the Northern Kerbal Union and Northern Allied States.
  13. SWWC has been (Temporarily?) cancelled, as I have changed things quite a lot and have begun a new story.
  14. I've been looking at this and wanting to write my own story about the Kerbals from their creation of flight and sailing to their colonisation of the stars with my heavily modded game, but have been put off by the fact that my mind thinks on to grand a scale to really successfully write about anything. Hopefully, now I'm using kountries, not individual kerbals, to tell the story I can do something soon. I don't understand my own mind.
  15. Are there any incompatibility issues? I'm having issues with VM not appearing for some reason, but sorry I can't give you the log yet.
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