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Everything posted by Aladine

  1. WOW how did you get the fans to move like that?! (Rotate)
  2. I have been playing carrier and keep running short on money. I was wondering if there was a mining addon that would allow you to sell ore/kerbonite/other... Or some type of addon that helps me make some money? Thanks
  3. Hello, First post and I am new to KSP, but really really enjoying it. Im at the point where I am starting to think of making a space station, but everything I have read looks to be several versions or years old. So a few questions: - If I build a Orbiting Station with a Lab on it, will it automatically generate science? - What other things can you do with stations other than use them as fuel depots? If need be, are there any good mods for stations that will be worth it to run on stock 1.02? Thanks!
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