As a new player, I've been enjoying what KSP has to offer over the last few days. However, career mode seems a bit wonky, so here's my thoughts... What's wrong: There's no clear progression. It feels like I'm being forced to find unique ways to obtain 'science' just to progress through the tech tree and it has little to do with the career task. How can it be fixed... Scrap the tech tree and purchasing building upgrades. Career tasks should unlock new technology or facility upgrades which helps accomplish the next tasks. Each career task should guide the player through expanding their space program starting off small, e.g. exploring kerbin and conducting experiments, some basic flight tests. Then work up to achieving orbit, getting a satellite and space station into orbit etc. Then on to more advanced stuff. The guts of this seems to be there, but the progression of technology seems to be very detached from achieving the objectives and very reliant on me clicking goo (or whatever) and doing EVA's in various bioms. This would be fine if they were mission objectives, but right now it's just an invisible checklist that I have to figure out to get some science; it doesn't feel like a mission goal.