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UFO Researcher

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I kill Jebedhia Kerman trying to do an altitude record and jump on Kerbin!
  2. Hi, I want to let you know 2 things: The first is that today I did my first space plane orbit and landing!!! The second is that i did a mission report of an emergency landing test! read this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/3541-UFO-Sighting%21%21%21 I write it and it is a little shocking! Please reply!
  3. go to see this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/3541-UFO-Sighting%21%21%21 and say what you think in the comments.
  4. Thanks! Just a last question, how we start something like "Put a face to your name"?
  5. I was playing Kerbal Space Program in a sandbox world, and I was doing a simulated emergency landing flying the Aeris 3a near the mountains behind the space center. Suddenly, I saw three small lights, two at the bottom of a mountain and one on the top. I toke a screenshot and when I go to see it I saw something that I didn’t see before. There was a strange black object, with a triangular shape. I ran immediately a mission to check what the strange object was, but when I arrived near the mountains I didn’t see anything. I never saw the lights or the UTO (Unknown Triangular Object) anymore. Here the screenshot, the only proof of his existence. - - - Updated - - -
  6. How we put an avatar on the forum account???
  7. I see an UFO!! please help! PS how did we create a new discussion and how we can put screenshots?? Please reply:(
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