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Everything posted by bunrotha

  1. OK, at risk of appearing to be talking to myself, as well as jumping to conclusions*, I'm nailing this one on steam. The steps that fixed it for me: Save KSP and quit to desktop. Grab a copy of the saves and gamedata folder, except the Squad folder in gamedata. Delete local content using Steam. Then go in and actually delete local content, i.e. the whole KSP folder in .../SteamApps/Common/ Reinstall from Steam (optional: Make tea. Drink tea. Offer silent prayer to fibre broadband gods.) Start KSP to make sure all is well. Quit KSP, decant Gamedata and Saves folders back into install. Restart KSP. Check the offending spacecraft. Watch transmission, rejoice. Weirdly, the orange R&D error about the experiment name still appears, but now I do get science credit, and the antenna behaves again. *It is said that Assumption is the mother of all messups.
  2. I have had this happen to me as well. Check the logs (or Alt-F12 and the debug page.) Do you have an (orange in the live debug) line in there telling you it can't find an experiment called sciencelab@Minmus or similar? You may have to scroll for it. That's what I had. It seems to stop the antenna completing it's job. I'm not an expert by any means (if one happens by, please step in. My first aid is no match for expert surgery!) but I think I may have something in a mod that's banjaxed the Science definitions (sciencedefs.cfg file) or the MPL research converter, either by superceding or stomping something vital. Are you running any mods? I have a metric shedload of mods on my system, so my next step is to take out mods and try this in a new vanilla game, then slowly add stuff back in until I find the culprit. If you have mods, I think that's the way to go to isolate the culprit. If you're not running any mods at all and the problem still happens, please reply and let me know, as there's always a possibility, however remote, of a bug- and it saves me having to do the same. By way of a quick fix, at the cost of research: if you do have the problem of an experiment not found, you can quicksave, make a copy of the quicksave file, and go hunting in the copy with a text editor for the offending experiment using the name it couldn't find- then carefully delete that stored experiment, taking care to respect the XML structure (i.e. don't mess up the brackets!) then load your amended quicksave. If the edit fails, just reload the original quicksave to be exactly where you were before, but wiser. Apologies if I'm giving egg-sucking lessons, don't know how much of a code geek you are. Failing that, Plan B- let's compare mods lists, that might narrow down the possible issues if we do have the same problem.. Edit: Plan C, having read http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/120469-Transmit-Science-bug , is to nuke my steam install of KSP and do over. Bah.
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