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    HPR backyard amateur

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  1. I can test this for you if you'd like. I just don't know where to put it because when it comes to .cfg files I have no idea what I'm doing. Thank you so much for creating the config again let me know if you want me to test it. EDIT: I figured out where to put it (Quite obvious after some googling). So far it works FANTASTIC, and I couldn't be a happier camper.
  2. Hi, sorry just thought I’d ask if there were any plans to add support for the SSPXr mod. I love kerbalism so much and would love to see it used with this brilliant space station parts pack.
  3. Help please, How do I fix this? Ive tried tweaking EVERYTHING! Im using RVE with all the latest stuff for 1.1.2 and RSS/RO http://imgur.com/cBdLZRp
  4. Looks awesome man! Keep up the great work
  5. Actually never mind! I got it.. It was a scatterer thing, I had to load the back up atmosphere and that fixed the problem!!
  6. Can someone please help me a little? Im using the newest EVE and the linux64 branch with the newest scatterer one KSP 1.1.2 but I keep getting this very very white bright sky. The clouds and terror are working just fine, but the shy has been bleached white. I am not a very good coder/moder so any help would be appreciated (I don't know how to add pictures to these posts so Ill just post a link) http://imgur.com/a/xCg61
  7. Oh awesome! How? (Sorry Im not a coder, so a step by step would be nice )
  8. Hello, I LOVE THIS MOD. The work you've put in is fantastic and I can't wait to use it in my realism overhaul save I was just wondering if you were going to add water/recyclers to the mod. Its great without them, but it would just make it that little bit better you know? This is still a fantastic mod though Keep up the good work.
  9. Ah ok, Well I just wanted to throw it out there! You never know your luck, maybe these awesome people will incorporate it one day! Anyways, Keep it up guys. I love your work
  10. Hello, Just wanted to bring a mod called Kerbalism to your attention! I dont have a link but it's like a combo of remote tech, TAC LS, and some other mods. It incorprates things like radiation sheilding, cramped spaces causeing problems, and exersize! just wanted to bring this to your attention just in case I cant wait for this amazing mod to be updated. You are all amazing!
  11. So we are for sure launching on the 24th?? (I can make that by the way)
  12. Hey @blackrack can you help me out a bit? As you know I'm a mac user, and the sunflare has not been kind to me. I can't seem to get them to work. Heres my output log and a screen cap... Im also using RSS and RO. http://imgur.com/ONFYVtK https://www.dropbox.com/s/40izs0ypcsjwqe3/Player.log?dl=0
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