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Everything posted by Theysen

  1. Is there a way to enable crossfeed for the radial tanks? Right now they don't work like the stock RCS tanks for example and need fuel lines to draw out of the radials. They are modeled so nicely with all the pipes and cables, the fuel lines kind of destroy the immersion. Or am I missing something, I just installed out of KerbalStuff on a fresh install for testing!
  2. I have it working on my side with current scatterer and adapted RVE's atmo heights cfgs, only thing right now I try to fix is the area between 130k and 160k meters up where the whole planet is just blue.
  3. Estimate it and then stop burning when KER comes close to 0° with the above used technique of putting a maneuver node according to KER's Time to AN/DN. Another option would be to set a vessel into 0° inclined orbit with HyperEdit to use as reference.
  4. Well it says "please remove" so I think the VSR version of the KS-25 wasn't intended to be updated? as we now got the stock one.
  5. Is it intended that the materials bay can't be attached side to side anymore?
  6. On mobile right now but use Jool and Sun flybys and use free delta v to get it somewhere in the right shape, then work from there
  7. just clip the chutes in the docking port or use new Stock Revamp, there's a docking port with chute integrated
  8. Then sorry for this but speaking in the general context of this thread there was (at least for me) some negative connotation in your statement which made it sound like a blame to not have an update already.
  9. StageRevovery already has an update on kerbalstuff, so I don't know why you post wrong information without even bothering to check the common sites for updates. There are already lots of mods being updated for 1.0.5 and ready for use
  10. Use the procedural interstage fairing for this kind of stuff. They come with a decoupler plus offer space for guidance units so they can be hidden inside an actual spacing of the rocket and dont have to be in the tankstack. Procedural Parts is go to for RO
  11. I would but the parachute bug with the radial attached ones still happens to me. The blue radial one just doesn't work but hangs in a straight line in the angle it is attached on the surface resulting in not breaking at all. No one has this bug too?
  12. Delete the KW_Community Fixes manually from the GameData folder and you're good to go.
  13. The sunflare with this awesome skybox just made my jaw drop. Thanks for the find Joe, this looks amazing.
  14. was mentioned in the film aswell but they cut the dialogues as if they would happen simultaneously. Like cheering in Mission Control right after Watney is secure again. But of course you want to keep it interesting for the viewers so it was okay I guess to do it like this.
  15. One more inaccuracy besided those mentioned was the "live coverage" of the rescue. They explain how a signal takes 24 minutes to reach Mars in the Command Center but the rescue was without delay. But this more an issue of making a film and the viewer stay involved than a plain wrong assumption like the other things you already mentioned.
  16. roll around your z axis? If all ports fired your thrust would cancel out. Or did I misunderstand you?
  17. The radial mounted chutes in the current release on github don't work, they deploy in a straight line not going up into the air flow.
  18. actually in the current RSS atmosphere stops at 130km whereafter everything should stay the same (?)
  19. Hey, maybe someone of you has the solution to my problem I came across. ( I searched for similar entries here but didn't find any) When using KER in Realism Overhaul / RSS everything works fine in the VAB regarding staging listing with deltaV readout. As soon as I hit launch a few seconds after the delta V of the current stage sets to 0 and KER only recognizes the remaining ones. Staging these also deletes the readout to 0. In MechJeb there is kind of a "ghost" stage created with the correct TWR but 0 deltaV under the actual stage with the depleting delta V readout which I think KER then uses too to output the current stage. This happens regardless of Launch Clamps or without. Is there maybe an explanation for this? Is it due to procedural parts being used in combination with RO? (I don't get this bug in stock with Procedural Parts) As this also happens to other info mods I think it might be based on some game mechanics though Thanks in advance
  20. Really like this mod , great work! But can you tell me what I am doing wrong when I put a satellite for Research in an orbit of 205 x 205 for a demanded AP and PE of AT LEAST 189km to not fulfill the requirements? I tuned the core correctly and everything but the orbit requirement doesn't turn green
  21. If you're talking about the Mk1- Pod with its own inbuilt ablator, you shouldn't need one extra shield at all. The Mk1-2 though has a bug with its skin temperature so you need to wait for a fix actually.
  22. Oh my god, are there currently any games working on this engine?! I thought these were real life pictures This would be overkill tbh.
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