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Everything posted by husheruk

  1. loads of great advice coming thanks all, well last night was a disaster; i had a stack set up with both fins and RCS and all it did was tumble out of control as it got higher even with the SAS on, looks like the three control systems are not compatable. Then i tried swopping out the main engine in the center for the non gimble version as an experiment and ditching all but one set of RCS around the center line, looked fine ... go for launch and oh my gods... the new engine stayed on the pad and the rest of the stack took off on the outside boosters then: boom.. boom i had to rapidly mash the space bar to get Jeb out alive. well that's it for manned flights for a while i'll try a set of unmanned booster units for a while until i get this steering issue solved. whats needed is an abort tower system like the ones mounted on the old Saturn 5b's. Try again later on and hope i have more sucsess.
  2. Well after downloading the demo from steam, i've been playing for a few days now and gone through six different test articles; prototypes really, so far i've managed two sub orbital flights, two near ballistical trajectories and a couple of long distance flights. But i still haven't managed go really get in to orbit lately, whats on offer in the demo pack isn't much not without going really nuts and designing something really wacko, (i know thats the object, but i know a bit about engineering and i tend to think conventanally) I am still having trouble getting used to the steering and setting up the stability, my stacks seem to like tipping over even with the SAS on, i check the COG, COT and the areodynamics before each flight but still i have the problem.. nothing for it but to keep trying. Still its a load of fun and a welcome reielf from hours on Farming Simulator 2013, and looking around on you tube has found tutorials and some great movies- give them a look wonderful. Is there anything i can add to the demo version, since i'm still saving for the full version of the game.
  3. husheruk

    hi all

    Hello every body, i've just got hold of the demo from steam just to try it out and see if my PC can handle the game; so far so good. I'd seen some great vid's on 'you tube' and thought that i'd love to try it out. I've made two flights so far, one suborbital and the other tonight got into a 390 mile orbit, not quite what i was planning but wow never the less! I have an interest in engineering both areonautic and space and i'm a model maker two so assembling da bitz is no problem for me. Now i need to work on much wider trajectories (tonight was straight up and almost straight back down again) and practicing steering the stack. Here's to saving up for the full game, btw i can't find it anywhere but steam and that at £29.99, and nowhere else not even Amazon, anybody seen it elsewhere? see you up there.
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