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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. Hi, please refer to the troubleshooting guide in the forum OP. It includes a Settings.cfg file as well as recommended NVIDIA settings. You should not be lagging. Try this first, and if you're still having problems: ParallaxGlobal.cfg contains settings to tune down the scatters
  2. Make sure you have enabled collisions in GameData/Parallax/Config/ParallaxGlobal.cfg. They are off by default because they are experimental and may be subject to instability for now
  3. This is intended. Scatters have to regenerate every time the Floating Origin shader offset changes unpredictably (when you go to map view, change craft, change camera, etc) KSP's Anti Aliasing never played well, it's not just unique to this mod. 8x has been notoriously bugged for years and will massively reduce performance, but this might happen more often with Parallax because your VRAM usage is higher (and antialiasing uses a fair amount of VRAM) You should be fine doing this - crafts will reposition to the top of the scatters
  4. I should be able to use Harmony to separate when floating origin updates from when it resets. Right now when the craft is above a certain height it resets every frame which is a real pain because it would have been perfect if not for that. Should have a fix out shortly, but I'm also working on Linux/Mac support and an experimental memory optimization to slightly reduce VRAM. Btw, did you check my reply to you above regarding settings? I suspected it was a combination of AntiAliasing, potentially having SuperSampling enabled in the NVIDIA panel and a good old driver update. 8x anti-aliasing wrecks the strongest of GPUs seemingly randomly. Sometimes I'd get ~90fps. Other times 10. I think this might be happening. Anyway, 40-50 fps on a 1050 is absolutely fantastic. I'm so glad to hear it worked!
  5. This is an error on my part. ParallaxAsteroid is indeed unsupported because it didn't compile properly and I forgot to omit it from the build. It's not actually used in-game, so there is nothing to worry about. As for your FPS, can you send a screenshot of your graphics settings in-game? Finally, if you want to try something in the meantime, follow these instructions above on a clean, parallax only install. This problem is something I'm trying to gather more data on: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/197024-112x-parallax-pbr-terrain-and-surface-objects-200/&do=findComment&comment=4172426
  6. No. Parallax will work with JNSQ because the planets share the same names, but not on any other planet mod yet because configs don't exist. Increasing the sunlight shadow strength was intentional, but after feedback I'll be reverting it or trying it on only bodies without an atmosphere The rocks will always stay in the same place. Your bases will be fine!
  7. One more thing to try. It might take some time, but it will make sure our settings match entirely and could sort performance for you: Please let me know if this helps!
  8. Ah thanks for reporting this. Looks like the game resets the terrain shader offset, expecting a craft change, but the craft never switches so Parallax isn't told to regenerate the scatters at the new position Will get a fix for this out soon. Btw, switching to cockpit view and back will fix this.
  9. I'll give this a go as well. Will update with results. Really unsure why you're getting such awful FPS
  10. I am looking into a solution for Mac users which should work. Linux can use Proton on Steam to run DX11. Not sure about Mac Refer to the Troubleshooting guide in the OP. I won't be able to check the log until later
  11. Thanks. I'm unfortunately unable to replicate the performance loss. RTX 2080 Super (8GB VRAM), 32GB system RAM, 140fps on the runway with 2.5x rescale and 6.25x density. All other settings untouched. Terrain shader quality ultra. GameData as follows:
  12. Going to try this now. But I have not used rescale before. If there is any guidance you can give me so I can replicate your scenario, that would be great. Cheers Absolutely (unbiased)
  13. See troubleshooting section in the OP which shows how your Parallax_StockTextures folder should look after installing You can delete Eve.cfg in Parallax_StockTextures/_Scatters/Configs/ Are you absolutely sure that the performance loss was caused by... a lower density? I would expect a density of 6.25 to cause more issues. Please let me know, as some people are experiencing this on GPUs where they should not be having problems!
  14. After image? You might be referring to the fading in. It's intended and it really helps with immersion strangely enough - Much better than things popping in which can be quite distracting But this sounds like something else potentially? A video is required!
  15. This is still unbelievably low. @ballisticfox0can run 30-40 fps at 4k on a 2070 with the same visuals as you. Something else must be at play here surely
  16. Thats a LOT of mods! I won't be able to pinpoint what's causing this, but if you get the time I would recommend you try an install with just Parallax installed to see what your baseline performance is. You're the only one reporting this, but if more reports come in of this happening I will be able to determine what might be causing it
  17. The ground texture matches whatever the ground colour underneath it should be. If you timewarp later in the day, it should be orange, should it not? Looks like an illusion with scatterer to me!
  18. Yes it does, and if you don't install the ScatterTextures folder it should still work (it will still give you the warning - Just delete the Grass.dll and it should still work. However, a bunch of new tech was introduced for the scatter system to work, one of which is Async GPU Readback. This does not work in OpenGL, so will not work for Linux without using Proton Is this you? If so, send your specs as well as a log file and let me know what your CPU vs GPU usage is when performance is bad. Performance should not be this bad at all
  19. I'm afraid Proton is the way to go. Sadly Unity does not support AsyncGPUReadback (required by Parallax) on OpenGL platforms
  20. Not me panicking that it wasn't working then scrolling down to see the "after" pictures I'm glad performance is good!
  21. Sadly the log only shows that the folder is there, it does not tell me that the folders from both zips were merged. Assuming you did this, I found another issue It looks like Parallax is failing to parse "_FresnelPower" which means something went wrong when you installed the actual Parallax folder - the one which contains the DLLs. I would advise deleting it, and making sure you install the new one. The log states Moho is failing to load, which is caused by something going wrong in the PQS stage. I would advise a full reinstall if the above does not fix it.
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