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Everything posted by oguz

  1. I wonder about how stabil their orbits are. They have gravity of between 0.5earth to 1.0earth while distance between two neighbor planets falls less than 600.000 km when their orbits' closest aproach happens. Very strong gravity, very short orbits, very weak Star.. could one planet throw other one to the some different orbit? AFAIK distance between Earth-Moon is something like 384.000 km They are really close
  2. I dont know where to ask, so i will throw it here.. Can someone make an addon for RSS mod that adds Trappist-1 star system? I am so hyped for Trappist-1
  3. Yes, it was so weird Thank you guys, when i restart the game it fixed itself (i couldnt fix it in-game options), if someone faces with similar problem, just close the game and start it again
  4. I don't know what happened, but right now when i click on something, i automatically switch to that object that i clicked on with mouse. How can i disable it? I cannot even detach objects anymore
  5. Mission 1: Research Program Mission Explanation: Titan Land Base has only one researcher, but laburatory needs two researchers to reach it's full capacity. Mission Target: Send one Dream Chaser from Titan Orbit Station to Titan Land Base, land Dream Chaser on runway, fill Dream Chaser's fuel depot, put researcher into laboratory. Night landing mission. Titan Land Base Time to leave Orbit Station Maneuvra Saturn looks so cool 350k Titan atmosphere is like a pillow, 200k 120k, fixing velocity with rcs Catch ya! Falling onto target It's getting darker, lights on 35k Cockpit view Bardo Kerman looks so happy Thereee is the runway landed Because of low gravity, we can jump very high! Mission completed
  6. @Phineas Freak i dont know how to use module manager, but i tried to find RA-100 and modify it. There are these codes in RA-100's cfg; MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = RELAY packetInterval = 0.35 packetSize = 4 packetResourceCost = 24.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaPower = 100000000000 antennaCombinable = True } I changed 100000000000 to 10000000000000 (multiplying with 100) now it's maximum range increased to 1.5TM and can cover Saturn at least This was from test
  7. I did try CommNet, it works for me in RSS with current antennas But current antennas only could cover Mercury-Mars area, i couldnt find and antenna that can cover far than mars. I already made one antenna cover around Earth and moon for my future moon minnions
  8. I can also confirm that current RSS release works perfect with 1.2. The only problem i have, i couldn't find one antenna that has enough range to cover Pluto. Anyone knows one additional antenna mod that has huuuge range?
  9. Hello dear UnanimousCoward, i downloaded that link and put folders into GameData folder, but reflections doesnt work.. Where to put those "extras" folder ? Can you help me
  10. That's literally what this sim is, and will have in it. Satellite parts are planned, and the mod had a turbine part before, that will make a return later. Omg wind turbines omg omg omg
  11. I tried to remove Real Chute, it still exist Yes it exist in 1.1.2
  12. Few photos from today's gameplay Few things i realised, firstly Saturn's rings arent able to seen from Titan, secondly; don't bother yourself to send solar panels to Titan, they are complately useless
  13. i think i found one small error in rss. I was looking at Titan, and i saw that Titan rotates much more faster than it's rotating speed. If i am right, titan's one day is equal to one tour around Saturn, and that is why Titan always show one same face to Saturn. But in game, Titan turns much more faster so it cannot show only one face to Saturn, but all faces Regards Edit : There were more weird stuff, all other saturn's moons were rotating around Titan lol. Then i went back to Earth and Tracking Station, and then somehow all of them fixed. Maybe some other mod caused that i don't know
  14. I downloaded these and put them in "GameData". Then I downloaded this and i copied RVE and Scatterer folders from "RVE-KSP-1.0.4" to GameData folder, i replaced "planetslists.cfg" when windows asked me to replace or not. There is no cloud, not in menu view nor in tracking station. What is my mistake ? I already have "texture replacer" mod via CKAN so i didnt touch that folder which is in "RVE-KSP-1.0.4". ksp version : 1.1.2, 64 bit exe Windows 10, 64 bit, 16GB ram ps: i also tried to download Scatterer via CKAN and changed RVE's EVE config, it also didnt work. Regards
  15. As for my FPS problem, it somehow fixed after new patch. Now i get instant 60fps like i get in native KSP.. Yay !
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