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Everything posted by oguz

  1. Thank you my friend, " force-d3d11" reduced both RAM usage and Craphic Card memory usage (I have 16gb Ram anyway but GPU memory usage reduced to 1.2GB from 2GB ) but fps doesnt change. I think i was wrong, fps problem didnt have connection with GPU memory usage. Idk what to do right now lol, my GPU usage is %40-50 and CPU usage is %15-25 when i am in KSP, and getting 17-22fps ingame, with 15-20 parts (60fps without RSS/Kopernicus). Is that normal ? I mean maybe it is what Rss does? Couldt i get more fps if my GPU and CPU usages were %90-100 ? edit : i get same FPS even if i make graphic options of the game lowest, or maximum (AAx8, maximum shader/texture etc), it doesnt change fps
  2. idk why but in my game, both sea level and saturn rings look perfect, umm. btw i found the reason of low fps, it is about Graphic Card's memory (mine is 2GB). I think i need this mod : but it doesnt work right now (it crashes, as modder said there is one bug). Is there any other mod like that ? like "loading textures on demand" thing ? Regards
  3. Amazing job dear Nathan ! Thank you Umm, but i have some problems. Not with textures, they work just amazing for me. Without RSS/Kopernicus mods i get instant 60fps (I set 60 as a limit), without RSS/Kopernicus mods but with Scatterer mod fsp bounces between 45-60. But when i open game with RSS/Kopernicus mods, i get 4-7 fps. Doesnt matter if textures are 2k or 8k, or doesnt matter if only mods are RSS/Kopernicus or all the mods together. I instantly get 4-7fps Do you have any idea about possible reason of the problem ? edit: 64bit
  4. Hello, i have a small problem with RO/RSS, RCS doesnt work if i put monoproppellant or if i even cheated "infinite fuel". How can i use RCS in RSS/RO ?Is there any file to use stock RCS ?
  5. Hello, i have a small problem with RO/RSS, RCS doesnt work if i put monoproppellant or if i even cheated "infinite fuel". How can i use RCS in RSS/RO ? Is there any file to use stock RCS ?
  6. From small test http://i.imgur.com/JrxEyJQ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/W41h1GU.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GH305pd.jpg http://i.imgur.com/X9qdKi9.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xJn8EP3.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GCzDybM.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Cgo7WyS.jpg http://i.imgur.com/BqaVeMa.jpg http://i.imgur.com/EfaPjfJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/nmg3qlo.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tgvqstI.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hnfPXnb.jpg It took literally a hour to landing on Titan from it's orbit. Atmosphere is so thick, if i try to go to 50km atmosphere from 600km atmosphere directly, parts start exploding. I aimed 500km and let the atmosphere work to make my plane slower
  7. I think it didnt help for altitude dear Nathan, i have a save about a prob is on Titan's orbit and i tried with that prob to test altitude but nothing happened until 50km, and then huge air pressure Notice : I checked both Titan's and Venus's altitute from "Tracking Station" and they still seen 50km. Maybe there are something people cant change, like atmosphere altitude etc (maybe its about game engine?)
  8. Jeremy, i was so lucky because i could able to find a small cute island inside of whole metan ocean under me when i arrived to Titan I think we need Science! mod first and we need to get Titan's altitute map with Science altitute radar to find where should we land on
  9. I used so much times to build a rocket that send a small probe in low orbit of Earth, my rocket couldnt even fit into Hangar But i send probe into orbit, then few more parts and i connected them all in orbit edit : how can we change planets atmosphere altitude ? for example Venus, it says Venus has 50km atmosphere (bur in reality its much much more high, right ? )
  10. I didnt get any problem with camera (i use minimum resolution texture pack) Mod is just amazing! I went to titan 5 minutes before. But i think it's atmosohere high is wrong. There were no air pressure until 50 km, and then there were hugee air pressure. I think atmosphere of titan should start something like 400-500km if i am not wrong. I dont see any crash at all Edit 2; Wiki says there were atmospheric drag on Cassini spacecraft at 975km edit ; Look at this beauty <3 http://i.hizliresim.com/4gVXO0.png
  11. Thanks man ! I didnt download that texture link you send but i read text-me which is in your link, and I find the problem. I downloaded textures from "sarbian" and it's folder name "RSSTextures" while game needs "RSS-Texture" folder. And i added "-" between RSS and Texture, now it works !
  12. I did dear krakenfour, i took Kopernicus from GameData folder which inside "Distribution" I get this ; http://i.hizliresim.com/j56Mag.jpg My GameData folder ; http://i.hizliresim.com/8gzOrr.jpg Game version 1.02
  13. Its amazing buddy ! I will try to download it if i can Ohh I may be made a mistake I download all these ; a) 4096x2048 max textures (i put into GameData) https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager module manager (I put into GameData) c) https://github.com/ThomasKerman/Kopernicus/tree/development Kopernicus from here to GameData (I only put into GameData which inside of gamedata in installed Rar) d) https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem RSS from here to GameData (I only put into GameData which inside of gamedata in installed Rar) And I put folder called "source" next to GameData (not into Gamedata) Edit ; If anyone wanna play, follow this ; 1) Download all those links what i gave you above with "a, b, c, d" letters 2) Change texture folder name from "RSSTexture" to "RSS-Texture" 3) Download ModuleManager from here ; https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/89/artifact/ModuleManager-2.6.3.zip and put it in GameData 4) Download Switcher mod and put it in GameData 5) Play the game
  14. Is there only earth and moon or entire solar system?
  15. I dont know if it would help but, here is Titan's heightmap ; http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/images/748976main_pia16848-full_full.jpg Black-White version without stripes ; http://i.hizliresim.com/yMqAQn.png black-white (I played contrast and light a little bit) ; And there is also hydrocarbom lakes on Titan Edit : Also Titan's atmosphere color is not orange-red. It is blue. People see Titan as a Orange-Red because Titan's soil has that color, not atmosphere ; http://i.hizliresim.com/1yEY2Y.png http://i.hizliresim.com/7kDoVP.jpg
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