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Everything posted by craigtylerrobert

  1. Do the armor resource easier would like to see ways to refill it
  2. Hangers for planes helicopters maybe a vehicle deck below with a ramp to drive off for millatary or ferries ect. Hulls with cargo doors you could use it for cargo or like a vertical hanger for helicopters missiles vtols. Cargo sorting some sort of gantree crane and even containers you could load vehicles into storage hulls for ore fuel ect maybe even a style like a tug boat with a crane that can lift debries from a crash winchs to tow broken down boat I have the zip files for usi sub and maritime from the last updates feng put out if he doesnt send them let me know how you want them sent these are some of my favorite mods excited to have new fresh eyes on it have been waiting for a update for this mode
  3. I have a copy of the last update of it and the sub pack too. hangers cargo sorting. Cranes on deck maybe a oil type rig ship to go down deep and collect resources
  4. Not sure if its the maritime mod or bd armory but when you get within 3 to 5 k with a plane or other craft it goesup out of the water and falls back down love the mod cant wait to see the end product
  5. Not sure if its your mod but when the physics distance loads and gets next to a ship in the water it flies up in the air maritime mod and large ship mod and ww2 mod not sure if its bd armory or the vessel mover i have all these mods installed
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