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Posts posted by Enkiel

  1. attempt #2 at Eve trip was a success. I used the Eve atmosphere to slow myself down, which was scary, even at 66 km...

    I also lifted my Mars station, to land it on Ike. That was quite a challenge, since the station doesnt have much thrust, and i had to jettison half its ore to get in orbit, and use that ore to make some fuel once in orbit to reach ike...

  2. last night i attempted to build something to get to Eve orbit... I built something i felt that could get there and tried. I wasn't into any worthwhile window (i actually nearly did the whole turn around the sun to reach it), but i manage to reach it.


    Once i did, i figured "hey, lets try and see how suborbital i need to do for the tourist contrat... No matter how close i got, i still couldnt get a complete... which also helped me realize that you can't get very close to Eve without being dragged down....


    So i landed. Still no suborbital mission complete??? then i realized.... i forgot the tourist! It's okay tho, it was only in "simulator"...

  3. Finally, i said screw it and fastforwarded to the next Duna window, and sent the base they requested. 69t pretty much empty. i think i over did the rocket to send it to orbit (over 1900t, and 650 000$ total), but i wanted to do it on first attempt.

    Now all i need to do is wait for the 5k ore to fil up (requirement for the base), then transfert it to fuel, and off they go back to kerbin! (the top is detacheable for an easy return)


  4. landed this 65+ tons monstrosity on Duna, with 2 tourist, 2 scientific (that will never get back to kerbal) and a few other crew for xp. Part of the mission was to get 5000 ore, and with just 4 solar panel, i think their window back to kerbal will be just enough to fulfil that requirement (1y36 days i believe).


  5. Had my 2 minmus station docked together to begin a little train. Was actually fun, but very annoying since i had to go edit my savegame to activate the wheels on the station (for some reason, they wouldnt activate at all).

    Didnt get any good picture of day time, but a good idea of the two module to connect ;


    The whole station must be close to 250t, with well over 6000 fuel... with 8 puddle, i'm not sure i can lift it off minmus tho...

    The good thing about this... monstrosity is that it allowed me to get all kind of mission done, one of them being mining 2550 ore, for 500k...

    I did a similar station in sun orbit for a 800k pay. I did send 2 poor scientist that will most likely die in it eventually, but the whole thing should bring me 2000 + science...

  6. Fixed my issue with Drill on my Mun base (for the record, no matter how long they are, keep them close to ground if possible)

    it's not pretty, its not light, but it filled all requirement (and yes, that is a big orange tank, without any way to detach it from the base.


  7. Basically I think the key to tourism profitability is running as many contracts in one mission as you can and having craft that are reusable.

    I think it's a pity that as soon as your pioneer astronauts get out to further planets that tourists start wanting to go there too and loose interest in Mun/Minmus. That's not really very realistic, both in terms of what a real space program would offer and from a business economy point of view. I don't think virgin would be putting effort into space tourism if they thought that after a handful of flights that customers would stop wanting orbital flights and would be demanding to go to Mars instead. It would be nicer if the game gave you a steady stream of Kerbin-SOI based tourism and really encouraged you to design an efficient/reusable approach to doing those and made it a source of income you could rely on.

    I often still get mission in the 1 and 2 star range that ask me to go to minmus, while the 3 star one ask for Duna...

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