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Everything posted by WingAttack

  1. Ah...an SRB....smiles ..... I use a couple from another mod plus the stock ones when building with the 1.875 parts, but one added into this kit....oh yes.
  2. +1 for the 1.875 SAS module, could really use that part too. Other than that, I love using these parts in builds. Well done and many thx. -W
  3. I hear you on keeping the parts low, etc. And thanks for all you are working with here, this is my go-to pod for most manned flights right now. I'll find some creative ways to hide an SAS controller in there for the unmanned tests. -W
  4. I love this craft.....really like the way it fits in. 2 minor suggestions..... 1) add second nosecone option with two parachutes, bring the landing velocity down under the current 7-7.5 m/s, and 2) add a nose cone with an SAS capable controller for unmanned test flights. I fly mine in various test rockets and hate to put a controller body on the nose or a radial controller on the side (the radial gets wrecked on re-entry a lot too). Don't like flying a new machine with a test pilot, unmanned makes it a bit more real. -W
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