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Posts posted by asgkatz

  1. On 3/15/2021 at 1:30 PM, Kerbals_of_Steel said:

    This is my temporary base camp/starter colony:




    Forgive the runway shots, I've mostly moved past the need for this size craft and all the existing Pytheas dropships have either been scrapped out or have had so many extra parts tacked on it's hard to see the original craft. As built, it's fully self contained with a workshop, small science lab, space igloo and greenhouse, enough to support a crew of 3 for about 3 months. The storage tanks have enough mat kits and machinery to get everything deployed, and there is also a tank of specialized parts to allow creation of the rest of the machinery in situ. You don't directly save any mass that way, but it allows the big mat kit tank to be shipped full, rather than wasting energy on a partial tank, and it also gives some flexibility for future use.

    It works really well on Minmus and also on the Mun, though the margins are much smaller there. It can land fully stocked on the Mun, but I prefer to send some portion of the supplies with the crew on a separate lander they can use to return to Kerbin.



    Looks nice but honestly I can't tell what half the parts are lol.

    On 3/15/2021 at 4:47 AM, Tacombel said:


    Whats at the top left? with solar attached?

  2. 16 hours ago, Snark said:

    As @OHara points out, what you're doing isn't actually a reverse gravity assist.  It's just that the somewhat misleading way it's displayed in map view is tricking you into thinking it is.

    OHara gives a pretty good explanation above, but perhaps a picture or two might help illustrate it.  Here's the image you shared:

      Hide contents


    It really looks like a reverse assist, right?  "See, I approach the Mun heading from Kerbin in the :radial: direction relative to the Mun, and then it deflects me in the :retrograde: direction.  Reverse gravity assist, yay!"

    ...Except that that's not actually what happens.  Here's my attempt at rejiggering the image to give a better picture of the real story:

      Hide contents


    (I show the Mun in two places, as those are approximately where it is when you enter and exit its SoI.)

    ...In short:  You're not approaching the Mun :radial: and getting deflected :retrograde:.  Rather, what you're actually doing is approaching the Mun :retrograde: and getting deflected :antiradial: with a strong :prograde: component.

    The best way to visualize "what's the net velocity change that I'm going to get out of a gravity assist" is to picture a vector that splits the difference between the approach and departure directions, like this:


    So to sum it all up in one picture,


    As you can see... it's pretty clear that what you did was give your craft a pretty strong :prograde: boost, thus the higher-energy orbit. ;)

    So, basically, there were two things that were probably tripping you up, here:

    • as OHara explains, the map view shows the Mun where it is now, but you need to picture where the Mun will be at the time you encounter it, and
    • you may be wrongly picturing the direction of the assist-- you're probably thinking of it in terms of the departure vector (red arrow I've drawn), whereas really it's the green arrow instead.

    Excellent explanations guys. I appreciate it. Any thoughts on the second question?

  3. Can someone explain what is happening here that a reverse gravity assist is ending in a higher energy orbit?


    Also, from https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Free_Return_Trajectory can someone explain this line: "The aim is for your angular velocity to be as small as possible compared to the planet. This way you won't have enough angular velocity to make a full orbit around Kerbin when you are back in its Zone of Influence."


  4. Couple questions...

    This may be obvious but are the "automated" drills only different in not requiring a kerbal to operate?

    Any suggestions for getting hab/home time up on space vessels for a long voyage? I've tried adding a hitchhiker and cupola from USI-LS but its only about 290 days. My only thought is inflatable hab ring but that requires a much bigger rocket and hauling a excrements ton of material kits into space. 

    I realize the tundra inflatable hab can be used as a greenhouse, but the ranger hab seems far superior in base hab time and having a high multiplier (albeit affecting 2 fewer kerbals). Am I missing something as far as usage? 

    Thanks guys

  5. 16 hours ago, Benoit Hage said:

    Can you be more specific about how your contract disappeared, what was the situation? Can you reproduce it with an other save? Did you installed or remove any mod related to contracts like Contract Configurator? Have you edited your save files? ...

    Well i just noticed that there was nothing there. Going back to space center the list was empty as was the archived list. Doing some research I saw this was an issue a while back in KSP (.25 maybe?) and seemed to happen after switching to another vessel in another soi. That's when I realized that both times this had happened to me I had switched vessels shortly before I noticed. I listed all my mods (no contract configurator) and have not edited my save files.

  6. Been having an issue where all my active and archived contracts disappear. Not positive what the trigger is but I have a feeling its related to switching to another craft (where it requires loading). 

    Mods installed:

    Filter extensions

    USI Tools

    Community Resource Pack

    Extraplanetary Launchpads


    Interstellar fuel switch

    Raster Prop Monitor

    Kerbal attachment system

    Kerbal Inventory system

    Kerbal Engineer



    KSP TOT Connect

    KW Rocketry

    KW Rocketry Community Fixes





    Stock bug fixes

    Kerbal Alarm Clock

    Transfer window planner


    USI Kolonization



  7. So I thought I had this bug just arise out of nowhere. After reading your last post, I think it might have happened when I deleted a mod (crossfeed enabler). Any way to fix when its triggered by add-on removal? Tried putting addon back in, reinstalling KSP.

    Side note, tried validating files. 1 was missing. Every time I launch game and later try to validate there is again 1 file missing. Does anyone know anything about this or if its related?
  8. As far as inclination, I'm wondering if there is a way to find the AN and DN of one planet relative to another. Also, once that is found, how would you find which point in time the first planet will arrive at the node? My only thought as to the second part was measuring angle between planet and node and using that angle compared to orbital period to estimate.

    With delaying intercepts, I was thinking about this in the context of, for example, flying in front of Ike to save delta-v circularizing at Duna. I figure knowing Ike's orbital period you can find when it will be in the right spot, but is there a way to maybe change your orbital period to delay your arrival, then return to the original trajectory? Was thinking possibly a retrograde burn combined with radial-out, done probably at a midpoint to minimize delta-v.

  9. A couple of things. If you attach a docking port to a HB cargo pod you can connect rovers together via those nodes with additional docking ports. Also, they fit the new Mk-V modules perfectly, and those are now efficiency parts for the Mk-III modules.

    Not exactly sure what you meant with first part. Are you referring to being able to have a rover docked in the HB cargo pod (as in your video where it drops to ground from a landed HB)?

    Also, I was actually asking about the small nodes on the top and bottom of the Honeybadger nuclear reactor and what kind of purposes you had in mind?

    Thanks a lot

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