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Posts posted by Jebby2

  1. Maybe a plastic cockpit?

    Sorta like they took apart a whole bunch of toys and put together a makeshift cockpit, also, transparent plastic for the glass

    I love the idea, and also I might show a sneak peak on the new Command Pod tonight :wink:

    - - - Updated - - -

    Inanimate suspensionless landing gear (lead pipes) and to follow ksp, a trashbin full of boom (trashbin solid rocket booster) maybe?

    Again! Another great idea!!!

  2. Hey! development stopped! use these Ideas if you want!

    "Cardboard Fins"

    "Firework Sepratron"(4th of july!)

    "Cardboard Wings"

    "Hanger Antenna" (Planned to be Remote Tech Supported :D)

    "Tin foil dish antenna" (Planned to be Remote Tech Supported :D)


    "Scrap Metal Solar Panels"

    "Sand Bag"

    "TV Remote Batteries"

    "Cardboard Control Surfaces"(That has no logic :P)

    "Cardboard SRB"

    "Wooden Fuel Tank"

    "Wooden Heat Shield"

    "Plastic Cockpit"

    "Oil Drum Fuel Tank"

    "Cardboard Command Pod" http://imgur.com/a/ADTcI#0

    "Cardboard Probe Core" http://imgur.com/a/VQL5v#1

    "Plastic SRB"(50% done)

    "Water Bottle SRB"

    "Water Powered Engine"

    "Candy SRB"

    "Wooden Command Pod"

    "Trashbin Of BOOM!"

    "PVC Pipe Landing Gear"

    DISCLAIMER: I have stopped development on this mod!

    I have much to do, sorry for hyping you all up, but things have come up.

    I may or may not continue.

    thanks to Feradose/Kweller, my dearest friend.

    and "Roninpawn" who made videos on "Bargain Rocket Parts" last year, and he said "I really want bargain rockets to update"

    I tried pulling the weight of making a mod, I congratulate every mod maker ever, I have so much to do! thanks everybody.

    I got a new computer, and lost all my data on accident.

    Cya another time modding community.

    I'll make smaller mods

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