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Everything posted by A35K

  1. I planned and prepared a mission to a comet called Ascension, which comes with Krag's Planet Factory mod. No Philae style harpoons required, since this ''comet'' has a surface gravity of 0.66g, despite being the size of Gilly!!! The comet: Its orbit and info:
  2. My largest interplanetary vessel is a huge Jool mothership which carried to the Jool system: An unmanned amphibious jet to Laythe, a rover and unmanned lander to Vall and Tylo, and two small probes on Bop and Pol. It weighs around 1000 tonnes fully fueled, and is powered by 36 LV-Ns. (Those fuel tanks on the sides are KW rocketry 5m tanks, each holds more than 20000 units of fuel!
  3. I finally made an Eve return lander in my 0.23 save, it can get a 2 man capsule to orbit from 2000m above sea level.
  4. I flew around in my Laythe amphibious plane back in good old 0.23 where aerodynamics didn't matter and radial intakes doubled as floats:D! (My main sandbox exploration save, which is the one I always play on, is still in .23!!! I won't stop until I have a kerballed return mission from every single planet!) Vall and Tylo visible here
  5. For me it's: Mechjeb (More for the info than the autopilot) KW Rocketry (Awesome for large lifters) B9 (Best Spaceplanes) Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (Necessary when using KW's 5m parts!) Distant Object Enhancement (See other planets and ships from far away) Krag's Planet Factory when I get bored of the stock planets:D
  6. Best: KSP, Flight Sim X (is this considered a game or a sim?), Cities: Skylines, Just Cause 2. Worst: Everything
  7. A lot of things mentioned like using too much space for crews instead of fuel doesn't really make sense if we don't know what these futuristic spaceships run on. These technologies are obviously hundreds, if not thousands of years ahead of ours, so they may have some form of propulsion that lasts for extremely long times. That would explain why they always seem to travel in straight lines instead of orbital trajectories. They simply burn until all the trajectories are straight lines. This can be done in KSP with mods such as Interstellar, you can have ludicrous amounts of dv for very little mass and essentially all your trajectories can become straight lines. You can get to Jool in just a few days!!
  8. If he really is in there, he is probably already dead! (Unless it's a Kerbal pokeball of sorts...)
  9. It might be because your intakes are not facing the direction of movement anymore, causing a flameout due to lack of air.
  10. There are several other Easter eggs on Kerbin, it is fun to just take a plane for a while and fly around finding them.
  11. So, in general is it harder do to an Eve return in the old versions with old atmospheres, or in the new version? According to delta v maps older atmo requires a lot more delta v, up to 12,000m/s. However in the new version, thrust decreases in atmosphere, so it is harder to achieve a sufficient TWR. Did you try it in the old version? Which do you think is harder?
  12. A35K

    One line fun

    Turns out ''Just add a bunch of parachutes'' is not a safe way of landing a 900 ton ship on Eve.
  13. So a while ago I sent a probe to Eve, and managed to get it there in a record (for me) 33 (Earth) days. So I wondered, what was your fastest transfer? Did Jeb run out of snacks and rushed back home in record time? (Don't include transfers with cheats or futuristic mods such as interstellar warp drives) Edit: I sent a probe to Moho once, so it might have been around 25 Earth days, but I don't remember exactly.
  14. A35K


    This game is so addictive! I got to #1 a few times in the Europe server. I usually only play with names that give a "skin" to my virus/bacteria/whatever it is like countries (especially the largest empires in history) or the two planets, like Mars and Earth. There is also a NASA skin! My record so far is 17216. If you're interested I found a list of all the possible skins: http://www.agarioguide.com/skins/
  15. After the sacrifice of 12 kerbals, I finally successfully tested my first Eve capable lander. After hyperediting it to Eve's surface, I determined it could achieve orbit launching minimum 2000m above sea level, which is better than I expected! Before it can be used in the actual mission, I still need to find a way to land it safely, since it undergoes RUD when the parachutes deploy...
  16. Thanks for the landing gear suggestion, it works much better now!
  17. "Mars has no atmosphere" and "there's no gravity on the moon".
  18. Thanks! I tried posting the image but it didn't seem to work?
  19. I am planning a manned mission to Eve, but I'm not sure if it will make it off. MechJeb says it has an atmospheric Dv of 11000m/s, and 12000m/s in vacuum. All stages have TWR more than 1 on Eve. Will it make it from sea level? (This is my .23 save, so old aero). Also, are there better ways of making landing gear for heavy craft? This one is around 900 tonnes, I made a droppable landing gear using decouplers with structural fuselage (mk1), but it wobbles even with struts, and sometimes it goes too low and a Mainsail hits the ground and drops off. Edit: I tested it on Kerbin, and it can get to orbit, de-orbit, land with parachutes, then get into orbit again without refueling, with 1000m/s dv left. Is that good enough? Image: http://imgur.com/fDTYV7m (The large conical things are just fuel tanks from stretchy tanks mod)
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