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Fish Boy

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Posts posted by Fish Boy

  1. Update v0.9.4

    = New =

    - Stack nodes for missiles/rockets/pods

    - Stack node for AdjustableRail

    - Adjustable rail will update the position of attached objects when height is adjusted (no more reattaching)

    Demonstration GFY

    = Fixes =

    - Fixed guard turrets not aiming/firing when 'visually' acquiring a target

    - Fixed missile not receiving target data from weapon manager if fired via right-click menu or action group

    - Fixed missiles being removed from guard's target database

    - Fixed guards not engaging missiles with new targeting system

    Are there nodes for stacking missile rails to the sides of other missile rails? This would make stacking missile rails much easier.

  2. I had to break alot of things down to integrate the new systems, so if I released it now, the target module and AGM missiles would work fine on their own, but alot of other things won't work. I also did the turret overhaul and applied it to a few weapons for testing, but everything else needs to be reconfigured.

    There's alot more to the update than just a new toy, so just sit tight and let me work on putting everything together.


    SpaceScumbag, apparently the turret module is throwing the exception. I've redone the turret module but haven't done extensive testing with AI yet so you'll just have to wait and try to replicate it after the update. Sorry

    Is there going to be an AWACS style system and a targeting nosecone?

    Also, is there a possibility of a "paint" AI mode where a plane orbits the battlefield and paints targets?

    Great work, Baha!

  3. BD, how far away will the COM lock detect a vessel? Is it far enough that we could have military target painting satellites that can guide in missiles from orbit? Imagine the possibilities of that!

    AI-controlled ships flying around and painting targets would be awesome. Imagine an AI-controlled plane orbiting a battlefield and painting target after target, completely independent of the player. The satellite idea is awesome, I never thought about that. BD should do that!

  4. That offside lift bug resurrect from time to time. Whenever I thought that was dealed form SQUAD or mod side it reapears again. It is not restricted to PW only, I got same issue even with stock parts.

    Workaround is easy enough though. Worked for me whenever come across with this one.

    Just grab wing from oposite side where you attached wing on hull. Attach it again from that oposite side and CoL should be normal again.

    Some other users reported that surface/angle attachment change could also solve this big, but I can't confirm it, previous method worked for me so I haven't investigated it.

    Neither of those solutions seem to solve much. If this is a common problem, is there anywhere I could find more ways to fix this?

  5. Nice! I really like the split tail as well as the detail under the plane. First couple pictures look almost too simple, but I didn't notice all the detail you put under it. So do I see 3 bomb rotors? Looks like you've bested be my friend, keep it up.

    The split tail is inspired by Sukhoi jets.

    I like to keep things simple. One very wise man once said "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

    I hate designing wings (I have killer OCD,) so I kept them minimized by making the second, high(er) aspect ratio section of the wings all-moving so I wouldn't have to place elevons. They're like giant canards. That said, I enjoy making things a bit detailed. Each of the three rotors have eight Hellfire missiles in them; a total of 24 AGMs.

    This thing totally destroys ground units. I pitted one of these jets against a huge Goalkeeper sea-whiz and the jet wrecked. The jet has some very good low-speed characteristics.

    The center of lift being off because of the two vertical stabilizers is weird but has very little (but some) effect on the flight of the jet. I'd contact B9 or some of the devs about it but they're all too busy for this. No idea how to solve this aside from having only one vertical stabilizer but that'd drive me nucking futs.

  6. On a side note, if you want to post pictures and info about your plane you are working on. My advanced aircraft thread linked in my signature could benefit from your input. Besides it would be better to talk about this kind of stuff over there.

    Well, here I am.

    Been building an aircraft with which to test my rotating missile bays. The aircraft is nearly perfect, CoL right on the CoM, looks great.

    (These pictures are big, I know. Imgur sucks at resizing.)

    However . . .


    . . .


    . . . adding two vertical stabilizers causes the CoL to go whacko and point in slightly the wrong way. I don't know why this is, or how I can fix it. I'm using the B9 procedural wings. Help would be greatly appreciated.


    As shown in the above photo. The jet itself is great and flies amazingly well!


  7. 5000 Km = A really long way

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hey you could almost fit two skewers in there. Looks good, also looks like you figured out the back support as well, it's not hanging down at all. Nice! Did you figure out how to set it to stop at intervals? You need to start with the first position set at -180 and the last is 180 and anything in between. Thats how I setup my B2 so I could just press an action group to advance the rotor.

    And I hope I'm not being a yutz here but. Another idea for a bomb bay at 1:30

    I just set hotkeys to rotate the skewer back and forth. Setting positions is a bit weird because the launch order is messed up with missiles.

    Thus far I've built a very nice fighter that's excessively maneuverable and flies at very low speeds. Looks very futuristic.

  8. But this is KSP ;) Ask not what your modders can build for you, but what you can build to blow the other guys on the forum away with what you have :)

    Besides that bomb bay would need to be completely rebuilt to hold a different load out of bombs. The skewer would stay the same but the layout of rails around it would change. So its hard to make one part that can do so many different jobs. It's some times easier to use the many parts you already have access to, to make something new. Just ask lots of questions and pick up what you can. You look new to the forum so just be aware most anyone on here is happy to help you learn more about the game and just how far you can push things.

    I was inspired by your bomb bay. I spent an hour learning how Infernal Robotics works and I'm working on a rotating missile bay. Allows for smaller wings (less hardpoints) and is more aerodynamic.

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