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Everything posted by lodebeard

  1. And 1.04 has now addressed it, it seems. Mental note - next time just spend a day doing yardwork and wait for squad to fix it instead of wasting a day troubleshooting mods when it had nothing to do with mods at all!
  2. This worked for me. My forzen ship did not have the heatshield1 part the fix mentions. But it did have a heatshield2 part, and when I applied the suggested line to that part, the ship is unfrozxen and the planet texture is restored. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/3asi15/uncontrollable_craft_kraken_fix/
  3. Looks like someone beat me to the due diligence. Interesting he got the bug with only chatterer and mechjeb. I don't use mechjeb, and I am certain this has nothing to do with chatterer... oh - well in that casse I guess it's just a matter of starting from scratch with a new career...again... - - - Updated - - - Someone on reddit pointed me to a fix which appears to have worked! Her it is for anyone interested: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/3asi15/uncontrollable_craft_kraken_fix/
  4. I am happy to rebuild the folder, but the problem is steam rolls me back from 1.03 to 0.90. I did not purchase through the kerbal store so I don't think I have a way to get 1.02. - - - Updated - - - Another player with the same issuie on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/3ar31h/a_nice_view_of_kerbin_in_103/ NathanKell or any other moderator, should I make an official bug report somewhere, or is this thread enough?
  5. It seems to be broken. AVC throws the following warnings: The game loads, but this is what I was met with when I loaded up my save and went to my LKO science station: I can't tell for sure what exactly, if anything, is broken. I can get Kerbin's textures to load eventually if I switch back and forth between vessels a few times, but it is sketchy. The installation was running perfectly last night, and this install has never had any visual mods of any kind installed.
  6. So, i stupidly forgot to turn off auto-updates and my KSP updated to 1.03, breaking many of my important mods. I tried using steam to roll back to the previous stable version, but surpruisingly steam thinks that is 0.90! Is there any way for me to roll back to 1.02 until KIS, KAS, etc are updated for the new thermal system of 1.03?
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