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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Wow, just read the whole thread, and was hoping to see official respond at the end, but was disappointed. Actually, while I was reading I also started to archive my current version of KSP and will probably stay with 1.3. Which is too bad, I was really looking forward to the update, but I guess you need to vote with your money to tell companies that it is not ok to not care about the community.
  2. I would love to have an app with just functionality of building ships (like VAB planner). I think it should be not a hard thing to implement, ksp is made in unity, which is multiplatform engine. Cut off all the physics, leave just snap part together functionality. And KER
  3. @Fenix В программирование есть фраза - не трогай то, что работает. Зачем ты начал что-то изменять?? Возвращайся к предыдущей настройке ))
  4. Хе-хей! Наконец-то отдельный участок рускоговорящих на форуме, а не просто одна тема для всех.
  5. Great project! How did you build your thrust controller? Is it some sort of motorized potentiometer? And the handle - that what is bothering me, I always wanted something like that, just don't know how, or where get it
  6. Hi, I guess in this case gyro is used as normal potentiometer, so I don't see why it won't work with this library. If you quickly look into KSPIODemo 13 (link on the first page), library sends ControlPacket, which has values for pitch, yaw and roll (-1000 -> 1000). So, all you need to do is to modify file output.ino in the method controls() for reading input and then sending it back to the game.
  7. По этому адресу открывается ветка master, обычно при правильной разработки программ, там лежит стабильная сборка. Однако в данном случае, мастер это ветка которая тебе нужна, последний апдейт был три дня назад. Скачивай все зипом и бери нужную папку уже оттуда
  8. Не совсем. В исходиках в зип архиве есть много чего. Тебе оттуда нужно всеголишь папку GameData взять и все файлы из этой папки положить в свою GameData, то есть так же как и устанавливать обычные моды
  9. Let's have a hope man! But yes, I don't think SQUAD will actually implement something like that. It is too obvious feature for them I assume.. But let's be positive, they implemented some good staff before, and after that some mods become obsolete. So, fingers crossed, SQUAD hear us!!!
  10. Well, if we are talking mods here, there is one with the exact functionality Atmosphreautopilot However, that is just such a logic thing to have in stock, like KER or KAC.
  11. How many people should say: "I support this" till we''' got the responds from SQUAD? Well, at least, how many till they notice it?
  12. Oh, well I guess that is just my lack of knowledge. Thanks! Although it still would make sense to have an ability to collect all science/restore when the scientist is present, is not it? I mean we have automatic process for both of it in the game when using hardware, but not with a manned mission then.
  13. @Fenyx я конечно никогда не играл в RO, но вот тут люди подымают тот же самый вопрос что и ты. Как я понял - нужно идти на гитхаб в главный репозитарий мода и скачивать папку GameData и раскладывать файлы как обычно.
  14. I was wondering, is there a mod which allows to restore Goo and others if the scientist is present inside this vessel just by one button? That is something that bother me all the time during my play through, I need to EVA, fly to the parts, collect science and restore them if needed. It was fun at first, but I just already got tired of it.
  15. Questions #1: Would be there a pre-order with some sort of extra features? #2: Now, once we will get a pod with working RCS, will the rest of the pods be reworked to have the same functionality? It really bother me to see rcs ports on the textures, but no thrusters.
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