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Everything posted by EpicFishFingers

  1. Okay I've got it to work using this So i set the relative vessel to the rover acting as a 'camera', but still controlled the ship. When i pressed F2 to close the menu and insert to play the camera path I'd set up, I could then stage and launch the ship whilst the camera remained on the ground! I knew there had to be a way to do this, the kOS way looks like it would have also worked but doign it with this mod saves me from installing another mod Thanks guys
  2. Okay that video was brilliant, but the only problem with that is that t'll cut out the part where the launch clamps decouple and the engines ignite, which is really the main part I want to capture. In that video, you used MechJeb to fly another ship. Is there a way to use it to launch a ship remotely? The flag idea seems viable, but can I then control the ship on the launchpad from that flag (if only its staging)?
  3. I have installed Kerbcam and it's an amazing mod, but it doesn't quite do what I wanted (as far as I can tell) Basically I want to have a camera on the ground that films a rocket launch from the launchpad, but for that rocket to then go out of the shot. Either that or the camera pans up to track it. It doesn't matter if the 'camera' is a separate vehicle, as I actually created such a vehicle for this purpose. Thing is, how do I launch the rocket whilst maintaining control of the 'camera' vehicle? The fate of the rocket after it's like 5 seconds into its flight doesn't matter, as I just want that one shot. The reason I'm sure there *is* a way to do it is because of [this gif from the KSP subreddit](http://i.imgur.com/42L5XPM.jpg). The creator of that gif hasn't responded to my questions yet though I'm also willing to install other mods. Mods such as RemoteTech and the kOS Scriptable Autopilot System look promising too Thanks in advance guys
  4. Hi, was just trying to install this mod using WinRAR to extract the .cfg files into the relevant parts folders. I've tried several different ways of doing it, and each time the game either stops loading at liquid engine on the loading screen, or when I go to the VAB or SPH the engines with the edited .cfg files are "not available in this version of KSP". I'm extracting the parts folders into the "parts" folder in "ksp_win" (which is my KSP folder), and I'm extracting the plugin .dll file into the Plugins folder. IS this right? Can we get an install guide? Thanks EDIT: Tried moving the plugin .dll file from the Plugin directory to the PluginData directory with no luck. This is what I'm seeing: EDIT 2: Got it to work. Restored my backup and tried again, just put the plugin .dll into the Plugin directory and just did it all the regular way, which didn't work before, but for some reason this time it seems to have worked. I ran KSP as administrator though.
  5. How do I go into my peristence folder? What\'s the directory path?
  6. Just installed this part and it\'s causing massive framerate lag on 0.14.1. Would do it but 1fps on a gaming PC is unbearable
  7. I\'m currently doing this on Reddit, before i found out about this challenge. Using stock parts and an old C7 pack. A bit unfair, but meh. I was partially successful... http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/qztci/tried_going_to_the_mun_getting_back_then_taking/ Trying again now
  8. Now try and make Jeb scream but have at least one of the other two kerbals remain happy or indifferent. I.e. can we get him screaming without making them all scream?
  9. Oh my God, why didn\'t I figure this out?? Thanks a bunch man Do you know if the thing I said about struts not snapping to where they should go correctly etc. is a bug or not?
  10. Noob here. Just started playing this game properly, and have been having some trouble building rockets. The rocket builder sometimes doesn\'t let me place struts between parts (multiple attempts are required). Parts bunch up in stages (see below), and after a failed launch, some struts disappear or \'break\' in the vehicle building area, meaning I have to place tham again. Okay, so just now I placed a set of six struts after placing 2 sets of 3 struts. They\'ve all bunched up into one stage, and I can only move all 12 between different stages. When I delete any of the sets of struts to place them again, the new struts automatically drop into the stage that the other struts are in. How do I move each individual strut or set of struts between stages? For the rocket I\'m making, I can\'t have all the struts break at any one stage. I\'m on the lastest version (v0.13.01 I think) and using stock parts I\'m also having the same problem with fuel tanks. Not sure if it\'s a bug or not... Any help would be much appreciated
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