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Everything posted by slaintemaith

  1. Has anyone made one? I'm buggered if I can make one that can deal with Kerbin's pesky atmosphere.
  2. So maybe I answered my own question. This got me into orbit with some good Delta V left over... 1) Full throttle, 40° pitch off the runway. 2) At 12 km Altitude, reduce pitch to 5°. 3) Accelerate to 1200 m/s (watch your temps!, I survived, though) 4) Pitch up to 30°. (You'll hold this until you're in space. 5) At 24 km, switch Rapier modes to non-air breathing. 6) MECO at 100km. 7) Use the smaller vertical engines to circularize.
  3. The scary thought is: Are they (Squad) going to keep mucking about with the atmospheres, or is this how it's going to be from here on out? Stuff like this would make me think twice about working on ascent and (atmo) descent autopilots until things have settled. Even if a bunch of people weren't pointing the finger at me for 'breaking' something. That said, -both- ascent and descent autopilots work just fine in the sense that (with some fiddling with settings and with good rocket design) you -will- get into space exactly where you want to be, and you will get safely back on the ground again.
  4. Have you had a chance to work out any flight profiles yet? I can't seem to get -any- SSTO (even so-called easy ones) into orbit, and I'm using Mechjeb's Smart A.S.S. to hold attitude. =( Even a list of pitches\altitudes\speeds would be something to work with. I presume kerbal Mach 1 is 340.3 m\s? Difficult to tell now... I limped into orbit with 59 m/s left of DV. Clearly I'm doing something very, very wrong.
  5. Also works. Depending on the spacecraft, you might want to up that a bit. Pushing the edge of speed/drag is where you want to be. Wasn't my issue, as the screenshot clearly shows Autowarp ticked. Furthermore, I manually warped to about 2 minutes before burn time, waited, and the burn still didn't happen.
  6. Typically, with a high TWR (over 2) craft, I'll limit accel to 20-25 m/s/s. I could be wrong and those effects might just be there to look cool. =)
  7. Sorry to be keeping this off-topic (this has turned into ascent help, and not Mechjeb, really) but I've also found the most -efficient- use of fuel 'on the way up' is to make sure that little or no wake turbulence happens around the ship at all during the ascent, and especially no "reentry" heat. Those things mean your ship is wasting energy (precious fuel!) by nudging air molecules out of the way instead of letting you go up. You can really open the throttle higher up when the air is thin, but you really -do- want a nice, slow elevator ride up to that point. Thanks for the correction, smjjames, you're absolutely right.
  8. Fins near the tail of any rocket help immensely. I've also found that disabling roll/pitch/yaw on the fins (when an option) is also helpful with stability. Make sure to add fins to -all- stages that will have to ascend through a thick atmosphere. (Duna probably won't need fins so much) Believe it or don't, this is something very "real world" about launching anything. The fins help "windcock" the rocket and offset the weight of the nose and help maintain AoA.
  9. Might have the node bug reproduced. I doubt this will help you, since it's essentially the same one I wrote up yesterday, but here we go: MJ Version: Kerbal Version: Clean Install, Mechjeb is the only mod installed. Steps to reproduce: 1) Extract "To Save Folder.zip" in your save game folder. 2) Open KSP 3) Select "Start Game" 4) Select "Resume Saved" 5) Select "To Save Folder" and Continue 6) Press "Esc" at the KSC screen 7) Select "Load Save..." 8) Select "quicksave" and Select. 9) From the open Manuever Planner, select "Fine Tune Closest Approach With Target 10) Select "Remove All Nodes" 11) Select "Create and Execute" (Further Steps, although the fault is here) 12) Warp until "Node in T-" reaches a period you're comfortable waiting out. 13) Wait that time. Noted Result: Although the burn node is created, time is not accelerated to the node time, and if the node time is waited out, the burn still does not occur. Est. Burn shows N/A even though delta-V information is displayed in the nav ball. Expected Result: Time should automatically accelerate to the node time, Est. Burn should display properly, and the burn should occur automatically. Notes: ***Important*** (maybe): This only seems to happen with -unkerballed- craft. When you have kerbals flying, everything seems to work just fine. There only appears to be one MJ2.AR202 unit on the current craft. Output_Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewoioshmtjemkqi/output_log.txt?dl=0 Save Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vildk2c14q6irgz/To%20Save%20Folder.zip?dl=0 Screenshot1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bb1yxbl7hopiyhs/screenshot1.png?dl=0 Screenshot2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5pamc9bwcl2t7vo/screenshot2.png?dl=0 Thanks for your time!
  10. Sorry. I tend to wax loquacious. I'll try the warp assistant. Never bothered with it before. At least it sounds like a functional workaround for the issues I'm having. I'll also make sure to post screenies with any future bug reports. Thanks for being so steadfast and resolute in an atmosphere of extreme pessimism.
  11. Wow? Really? I guess I should read the documentation some time. Mind you, it doesn't apply with my bugs, but still... =)
  12. Sorry. When Red Iron Crown posted, I thought I forgot to post the logs... I used to be a professional tester. I was frightened I'd forgotten my skillset. =)
  13. Exactly. I'm not sure it's MJ either. The latest versions of Kerbal, although there's little that I can point to saying it's wrong, I'm still uneasy about it. It doesn't ring right.
  14. Welp. Made it to Eve! As I had gotten through the nasty part of reentry (only lost one sciencey-bit!) and had my chutes open and was making my long, slow descent... The game crashed to desktop. *Sigh* There was more of the same not wanting to burn/no time accel issues on my circ burn, but as I wanted to -play- and not -test- I forwent it and did a slow, manual aerobrake to land. I'm thinking the same bug report I wrote up earlier will cover this, but if anyone wants me to write it up (I suspect after the crash, I'll be on an escape traj. out of Eve--depending on my last autosave) I most certainly will.
  15. With a completely redesigned ship, I was able to get to Eve with the autostaging turned off. (With the previously posted ship, I was still unable) I won't presume to guess what's wrong, as I'm a tester and not a programmer by nature, but it can't be entirely Mechjeb if, under the same circumstances, a ship will fail to make an automated burn while a different one (with similar design specifications) will succeed.
  16. Alrighty! I'll try again with autostage off as a workaround. =) - - - Updated - - - Ooops! I edited the above post. Sorry I skipped a step! Eve is still where I'm trying to go.
  17. Time Acceleration does not auto-start after programming Launch Window. MJ Version: Kerbal Version: Fresh Install, Mechjeb is the only mod installed. Steps to reproduce: 1) Select "Launch" from the VAB 2) Set Ascent Autopilot to 1000km 3) Engage Autopilot. *Note that ship automatically launches without use of the spacebar for an untimed launch. This may or may not be buggish. 4) Observe rocket as it reaches it's 1000x1000 orbit. 5) Select -either- advanced or 'old' planetary transfer programs. 6) Select "Eve" in map Window 7) Select Next Window to transfer to Eve. 8) Commit and execute the burn through the Mechjeb interface. Observed Result: Launch window and delta-V information will be displayed by the nav-ball per usual upon execution. The rocket will orient itself to the proper burn attitude. Then nothing. Time does not accel. If you manually accel time to the displayed burn time the burn will not occur. Expected Result: Time should accelerate until a reasonable amount of time before the burn, and the burn should automatically occur. Notes: Output_Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/plx1ctxjmgkdhhk/output_log.txt?dl=0 Persistent.sfs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zl7887wm49z8ij4/persistent.sfs?dl=0 Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bj1oqgxkf66qptc/Auto-Saved%20Ship.craft?dl=0 Comments: (Sorry if this is more information than you need) I'm not -sure- this is even a Mechjeb bug, but possibly something with the stock Kerbal parts. (specifically relating to the OKT02 unit) I've noticed that they've changed and broken some parts, and added and broken some parts. The "Medium Landing Gear" does not have the option for nosewheel steering, even though the small does and the documentation says it should =) Thanks for your time!
  18. D'oh! I didn't know it was a duplicate bug =) - - - Updated - - - Okay, I'll also write up the other bug I'm having with my workaround. =) Thanks again for your time.
  19. I did not, however there's an issue with that: If I use the launch clamp, as soon as I hit "Engage Autopilot" I can hear the clamps open (I'm in the map window usually when I engage the AP) and once I'm back at the rocket view, the clamps are -gone- and the rocket is hovering off the ground with nothing there. Mayhem occurs at launch.
  20. Rocket does not launch at Interplanetary Window. MJ Version: Kerbal Version: Fresh Install, Mechjeb is the only mod installed. Steps to reproduce: 1) Select "Launch" from the VAB 2) Target Eve. 3) Make sure that time-accel is set to auto. 4) Set ascent guidance to "Launch at Interplanetary Window," 5) Engage the Autopilot. Noted Result: As soon as the autopilot is engaged, a noise is heard like the engines are being activated, although they already should be. At launch time, there is no power left in the rocket to launch, even though it hasn't gone anywhere. Expected Result: As the rocket is on the ground and not moving, power should still be "External" and not consume battery power until launch. Notes: Output_Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1qigrdtu8w6ona4/output_log.txt?dl=0 Persistent.sfs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h90zyec8qxe0g3k/persistent.sfs?dl=0 Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fxhhhys2z0gi84u/Probe%20Lander.craft?dl=0 (Sorry if this is more information than you need) This might -not- be a bug if the premise is that electricity is consumed as soon as you're resting on the pad. If that's the case there's other strangeness that happens. (as I can make another save that's after launching instantly and waiting in orbit--something similar happens there) Thanks for your time!
  21. Sarbian: The latest version fixed my issues with landing on the Mun, which is why I provided no saves. =)
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