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    Curious George
  1. Hello everyone, I noticed that the contract funds are always very low... is that normal? For example, for the ChemCam surface analysis of the Westen Canyon on Duna, the values are (sorry for not putting a screenshot): Advance: 2250 Completion: 3360 Failure: -2520 Considering that the ChemCam only costs 7000 funds + spacecraft/rover and launcher costs, there is no point of doing this mission...
  2. Thank you for all your replies!!! Following your advises, I tried to perform a reentry with SAS locked in retrograde mode and it went well, Jebediah survived... Then I tried again a "free" reentry and I found, for example, that my vessel is unstable at Mach 5.75 @ 31 km of altitude, so I used FAR tools (I did the computation inside the SPH). Here the results: Then, I used the FAR tools also with the well-known stable vessel, i.e. Pod + Heat shield and, surprisingly, they have similar results!!!!! What do you think?
  3. Hi everyone, I apologize if this problem has already been discussed, 1122 pages are a lot to read... I'm having a problem during reentry, my vessel flips (goes nose first) even if it is stable. Do you have an idea why this happens? Thank you!
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