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Posts posted by Alpha188

  1. DISCLAIMER: I did not came up with this method. I found it on Reddit (see this topic). I just want to share it here. Thanks to Reddit user sq10 for sharing.

    So, you are playing on Mac OS X and you can't use many mods because there's no OpenGL trick and the game crashes around 2,7 GB of RAM usage? You have to turn down your texture resolution? That's the fix for you!


    Original post from user q10 on Reddit:


    First, get the Mac version of Unity 4.6.4, download it from https://unity3d.com/

    After downloading and installing it, right click the Unity app and 'Show Package Contents' - the first file you will need to get is in Contents/Playback Engines/MacStandaloneSupport/Variations/macosx64_nondevelopment_mono, click 'Show Package Contents' again and go to Contents/MacOS. Copy 'UnityPlayer' from the UnityPlayer app and go to Contents/MacOS/ in the KSP app, remove the 'KSP' file inside the folder and copy the file you copied from the UnityPlayer application and rename it to 'KSP'.

    Then, go back to Contents/ in the KSP app and go to the 'Frameworks' folder and delete 'MonoEmbedRuntime', replacing it by the 'MonoEmbedRuntime' from Contents/Frameworks in the UnityPlayer application.

    Next, go to Contents/Data/Managed in the UnityPlayer application and copy UnityEngine.dll to Contents/Data/Managed in the KSP application, replacing the previous dll. 

    Finally, go to Contents/Data/Managed/etc/ in the KSP app and delete the mono folder, and copy the mono folder from /Contents/Data/Managed/etc/ in the UnityPlayer application to /Contents/Data/Managed/etc/ in the KSP application.

    I hope the instructions weren't too unclear and please let me know if I did something wrong somewhere! With this 64 bit modification, I am able to run EVE and Astronomer's Visual Pack with no problem and 64 bit vanilla KSP just feels much smoother. Also from my personal observation, FAR, DRE and Kerbal Joint Reinforcement seem to work fine and I do no get any error messages for using a 64 bit version of KSP. Thanks for reading!

    Keep launching those rockets!



    And the best think is that it works! I've tried it with around 60 mods installed on KSP 1.0.5 and with loaded 700+ parts vessel. This is the result. Played for about 1hr and no crashes.
    As the forum user said, I used Unity 4.6.4 and not other 4.6.x version. Nothing more to say.

    Hope you enjoy! :)

  2. On 7 gennaio 2016 at 8:29 PM, NecroBones said:


    Did you set the texture resolution to a lower setting in the game settings, or are you running ActiveTextureManagement? Those come to mind as possible causes. The difference with this tank is that rather than physically separating out the color areas like some of the other tanks, this relies on them being more "painted on" like stock textures. I could probably adjust it, but at the time it seemed more of a stock-alike way to do it, to just rely on the texture resolution for its sharpness (or lack thereof).


    The texture are at quarter res due to some memory problems. The only mods I have that interact with the textures are Dynamic Texture Loader and Texture Replacer.

  3. For my missions 8k ∆V are usually enough, but it can change quite a bit and if you feel like you are a very good pilot. If it's your first time I'd go with 10k just to be sure, so that you can make some mistakes and still manage to get the brave Kerbal back home.

    The best way to reduce the ∆V needed is (of course you have to wait for a proper launch window) to aerobrake both at Duna and Kerbin. Aerobraking at Duna is kinda difficult because if you have a really big vessel (not really your case) the atmosphere may not be thick enough to slow you down, but on the other hand expect to get really hot when trying to slow down at Kerbin (you can split the reentry in multiple passes so you need to deep in the atmosphere less and also heat up less).

    Sorry for my bad english, and I hope you'll be able to get a orange surface sample back to Kerbin!  :wink:

  4. Are you just starting out in your career game with a Level 1 VAB or SPH? You should be able to change the size of the RealChute Cone Chute via buttons on the right-click menu of the part.

    I usually right-clicked the part in the VAB and resized it as you suggested. It worked fine even in that career save, but now It stopped working.

    ...aaand I just understood that I can also change its size via the action groups menu. It's a bit inconvenient, because you have to switch to the action groups menu, but it still works.

  5. Well, the title is self-explanatory. You are reentering in Kerbin's atmosphere wit your SSTO, but you don't know what will happen! Will your spaceplane put his nose towards the Sun? Or will it deep into the ground? Who knows! No more random attempts to balance your spacecraft by moving fuel around, what you'll need is just this plugin!

    It would be cool, wouldn't?

    So, if there is a modder who is willing to take the challenge... Just do it! :rolleyes:

  6. I'm using this mod a lot and it's awesome! BUT, I noticed that when using the Real Chute mod the altimeter sensor can't stage the parachutes. The light turns red so it's activated, but the stage icon of the parachute doesn't change color. Instead, if I manually stage, the icon turns blue and it means that the parachute is being deployed.

    This time I double-checked, I'm sure it doesn't work! :sticktongue:

    Thanks in advance.

  7. I might be wrong, but I think that stock aero is still stupid enough, so it does not calculate swept wing in the same way as FAR does. Swept wings should move CoL, though, compared with same wing area of straight shaped wing. Can't tell much about lift/drag ratio, I think that is the same with straight and swept wing, but I might be wrong with this, I have not constructed anything for stock aero for ages.

    Mhhh, I think so too. But I was wondering just about the edge shape. I can't really explain because I don't speak english really well, but with "edge shape" I mean the shape of the black back part of the wing.

  8. I'm playing on career mode and I'm on a macbook pro so there is no left/right clicking.

    That's what happens. If you left-click the Goo nothing happens. You have to right-click it.

    I also play on a Mac but i usually use another mouse, because it's hard to use the trackpad to play. In order to use the right lick on you trackpad, you can change your mouse settings or use left-click+cmd.

    I hope that's the problem! :)

  9. I'd love to use a mod that allows a rover to keep moving even if you aren't controlling it. I searched for a mod like this the whole day, but I didn't find any.

    Example: you landed a rover on the Mün and you want to use it to scan the surface and detect the ores. I don't want to play KSP for one hour just to move my rover. I tell my rover to reach the place X and he'll get to there even if I am flying other rockets or plane. The rover should be controlled by some kind of AI, I suppose.I'm not a mod maker, but I think it would be easy to send a notification when the rover gets to the designated place.

    I hope you understood the type of mod that I'd love to play with.

    Sorry for my english, and thanks in advance to everyone that will help me. :)

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