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Posts posted by JonDahm

  1. I had a private conversation with @linuxgurugamer about merging this into TRP-Hire. I gave him permission to do this in that PM, but just for the public record, this is explicit, written consent for @linuxgurugamer to merge my code into TRP-Hire, with or without including my copyright or a copy of the license. I don't maintain this project anymore.

    Happy KSPing!

  2. EDIT: Nevermind, it turns out I had been using version 1.2, not the latest 1.3. My bad. :blush:

    Is it normal for the compartments to be too small width-wise? The sizes they're supposed to match (and do match in the preview album) are 1.25m and 2.5m, but they look to actually just be 1m and 2m, respectively. I'm a little disappointed.

    (See this Imgur Album: http://imgur.com/a/Mgluo)



  3. This mod is so incredibly useful to me, so thanks for making it! Unfortunately, after using it a few minutes I've discovered a couple of issues that prevent me from using it in my serious games.

    First, which folder is actually selected in the Load menu is ambiguous - the highlight tells you which folder you last single-clicked on, but you have to double-click to actually select a folder. This leads to a mismatch between the highlighted folder and the folder whose contents is shown. I think that having single-click select the folder would probably be more intuitive here and would solve the issue without needing to add new labels.

    Second, the category that the current craft is saved into seems to be determined by the folder last selected in the Load menu, even when closed. I can easily imagine myself opening the load menu to merge in a craft from another category, then forgetting to reset the category before saving again. Perhaps it would be better to add a separate category selector for the currently-edited craft?

    For reference, I'm running 64-bit Linux (Arch Linux, specifically), and I installed just this mod (+KerboKatzUtilities) on a clean copy of KSP.

  4. Sorry for being away a while -- had some health issues. I'm mostly back in shape again. :)

    A progress report on what I've done since the last post:

    • Fixed the drag-n-drop bug
    • Figured out how to save and load bar states on a game-by-game basis. Not fully implemented yet.

    As you can see, not a whole lot, but I've also been sick, so there's that. Hopefully I'll get back into the swing of this again soon. I'm still working on it, I promise!

  5. Big news! I've made support for AVC and (when 1.0 is released) CKAN! I've also got all the button and sort bar configurations in ConfigNode files that ModuleManager can modify. That means if you want to add a button, all you have to do is create a ModuleManager/ConfigNode file and compile a small DLL with your comparison function.

    Next on the agenda: Actually saving the sort state on a per-game basis, fixing the drag-n-drop bug, and seeing if I can actually replace the auto-assigned crew. Things are looking up!

  6. TaranisElsu, I've set up a similar test to yours and not had any problems. Perhaps you need to update your Mini-AVC installation?

    My local file:

    "NAME":"Kerbal Sorter",
    "VERSION": {
    "KSP_VERSION": {

    My remote file:

    "NAME":"Kerbal Sorter",
    "VERSION": {
    "KSP_VERSION": {


    Executing: MiniAVC -
    Assembly: G:\Kerbal Space Program Modding\KSP 1.0.4 Test Install\GameData\Test\MiniAVC.dll

    [Log 19:27:14.6872803]: Starter was created.
    [Log 19:27:16.3513755]: Identical remote version found: Using remote version information only.
    [Log 19:27:16.3513755]: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=hMeyn99E
    NAME: Kerbal Sorter
    DOWNLOAD: https://github.com/JonDahm/KerbalSorter/releases/tag/v0.4-beta
    GITHUB: JonDahm/KerbalSorter
    LatestRelease: 0.4
    AllowPreRelease: False
    VERSION: 0.4
    KSP_VERSION: 1.0.2
    KSP_VERSION_MAX: 1.0.4
    CompatibleKspVersion: False
    CompatibleKspVersionMin: True
    CompatibleKspVersionMax: True
    CompatibleGitHubVersion: True

    [Log 19:27:16.3563758]: Starter was destroyed.

    I've also tested with the local's version set to the string "0.4.0" rather than an object, with the same results.

  7. To answer my own question, after some testing: If your latest github release is tagged "v0.4-beta" and your remote .version file has version 0.4, an update notification will, in fact, appear. It seems that AVC will trim that extra text in the tag. However, if your remote .version file has 0.3 or 0.5 instead, an update notification will not appear.

    Remember to keep your .version file up to date, y'all!

  8. You can retrieve the module manager patched node using

    ConfigNode node = GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("TestSettingsNode").FirstOrDefault();
    Debug.log(node.GetValue("settings_test_a"));[COLOR=#008000] // prints "A Value" to the log[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#008000]// note: there is also a GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNode method that uses a GameData relative path to fetch the node. I can just never remember the path to use[/COLOR]

    You're the best! I knew that I could name the nodes whatever, but I didn't know how to get the patched version of it from Module Manager. Thank you so much! :D

  9. I need some help with my set-up. I release my mod via GitHub. The tags used for the releases look like "v0.4.1-beta". However, the README says that, when using the GITHUB property, update notifications won't appear if the GitHub version doesn't match the remote .version file's version. Will my tag naming scheme be a problem here, or will things be fine?

    Here are my releases, and here is my .version file:

    "NAME" : "Kerbal Sorter",
    "URL" : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JonDahm/KerbalSorter/master/KerbalSorter.version",
    "CHANGE_LOG_URL" : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JonDahm/KerbalSorter/master/CHANGELOG.md",
    "VERSION" : {
    "MAJOR" : 0,
    "MINOR" : 4,
    "PATCH" : 1,
    "BUILD" : 0
    "GITHUB" : {
    "USERNAME" : "JonDahm",
    "REPOSITORY" : "KerbalSorter",
    "ALLOW_PRE_RELEASE" : false
    "KSP_VERSION" : {
    "MAJOR" : 1,
    "MINOR" : 0,
    "PATCH" : 4
    "MAJOR" : 1,
    "MINOR" : 0,
    "PATCH" : 4
    "MAJOR" : 1,
    "MINOR" : 0,
    "PATCH" : 0

  10. Lots, lots more progress! I've refactored some of the code and added lots of documentation.

    Feature-wise, the crew lists in the Editors and Launch Windows will now re-sort themselves after pressing the Clear and Reset buttons, though unfortunately I can't detect drag and dropping kerbals. Additionally, I added a sort bar above the Applicants panel in the Astronaut Complex, which disables itself when OakTree42's KSI-Hiring mod is installed. I also added tooltips to every button this mod adds! Finally, I have the framework set up for replacing the crew auto-assigned when loading a vessel in the Editors or selecting a vessel in the Launch Windows with crew based on the user's sorting preference. It's not implemented at the moment, though, because my methods have been throwing NullReferenceExceptions when used.

    I only have a couple things left before my next release: Beta v0.4. One of those is figuring out the default order that the assigned kerbals in the Astronaut Complex appear it. The other is deciding on an icon for the "Sort by Number of Flights" button. You can see my choices below, both of them designed by me, both of them crappy. :P


    Any thoughts from y'all? Anyone want to make me a better set of 16x16 icons?

  11. No worries. Can happen. Still on the mk2/mk3 case? Any news?

    I've had a lot of personal stuff happening lately, so I haven't had any time to work on mods. I'm still on the case, I just haven't gotten anything done! :blush:

    The big problem is really the way the tech tree works. Unlocking techRestrictions on the same node as a comparable sized part gets unlocked feels exploity/cheaty.

    I don't feel like it's any more cheaty/exploity than getting larger tanks before medium-sized tanks in the first place. It makes sense to me that if you can make a small tank and a large tank, you can make a medium tank. I wouldn't worry about people bypassing lower levels, except to ensure that if they do go back and research the lower level, doing so doesn't lower their maximum/raise their minimum possible tank sizes.

  12. Oh dear. I'm sorry that one of my changes caused problems! The other tanks, since they don't switch contents, don't have any problems, and still show up in the proper resource tab. I forgot to make the change to the Procedural Battery part, but I suspect it wouldn't have any problems either. I'll have to take a look at the TankContentSwitcher code to see if I can do anything about it.

  13. I can implement inheritance of levels as you said. Currently you can't assign a normal maps for each level, because I assumed levels will differ only in some emblem, so one normal map would fit all.

    That's a fair assumption, though if the emblems themselves need some extra bits in the normal map it's a bit restrictive. I'll leave it to you to decide whether it's worth the effort to put that in there.

  14. To find the current game mode, check:


    If you have a ProtoCrewMember object representing the kerbal you're trying to give experience, try playing with the following properties:

    ProtoCrewMember kerbal;
    kerbal.experienceLevelDelta; // READ-ONLY

    Note that the last one is read-only -- I believe it gives you how much experience is needed to reach the next level.

    If you don't have the ProtoCrewMember, you'll have to find one. Here are some ways you can get kerbals:

    HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.Crew; // Entire crew, including killed kerbals.
    Part part;
    Vessel vessel = part.vessel; // The vessel this part is a part of.
    vessel.GetVesselCrew(); // Crew aboard this vessel

  15. I've never thought about it, to be honest. Since I don't use CKAN, I never thought to include it there. What's the procedure for uploading it?

    I'm not entirely sure, but I've heard that KerbalStuff will do it for you. I'll look into that when I get a chance; I'm going to need to anyway, as I have a mod I'm making that I'll need to release on CKAN soon, too.

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