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Virtual Flyboy

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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I took a couple month break after wearing myself out on KSP (I know, I'm weak...) but when I heard about this update drop this is the first thread I had to check. Please continue your awesome work and input Ferram, you make all the difference in this game for me! P.S. I'm pretty sure I shot you down in War Thunder a month or two ago. Was the pinnacle of my virtual aviation career. Or something.
  2. Shame Adobe Flash absolutely hates it, at least for me. It just crashes or freezes completely the instant the page is loaded, every time. Haven't been able to work out a fix so far, dug around for an hour or so, only been happening with Windows 10, and I did a clean install.
  3. Yep, octagonal struts are definitely on the .... list of randomly exploding parts. Launched and landed a manned Munar lander only to have the struts in the service bay holding my rover explode as soon I opened them. I was thrilled.
  4. I have not seen that challenge thread, so thanks for pointing me in the right direction, definitely some good ideas in there! While it is certainly possible to go there and back without any refueling, it doesn't seem to be practical for any crew onboard, which is something I consider in my selectively "realistic" mindset. Often means SSTOs/any craft become bloated with extra, unoccupied cabin space if the trip is anywhere outside the Kerbin SOI. There are still plenty of things I wish to explore before that grand feat, so I hope to get squeeze some gravity assist practice in to make sure my burns out there are as minimal as possible. Here is a very small album of some recent KSP adventures. Currently on a newish save right now, first thing I did was set up a com-sat network using my KD-A3 Pegasus, an SSTO with ability to deploy small payloads into LKO. Regarding my rockets are for losers statement, I definitely love them and continue to use them, I just find it funny to try and get by without them in a game that is essentially about them, proving the sandbox nature of KSP. Being an aviation nut doesn't help either. I can only hope people don't take a silly statement like that as anything more than what it is, a joking prod. I also stream on occasion, but I'll find the appropriate outlet to post that in whenever I'm active, as it is rare enough. But yeah, feels nice to find a forum that is all about the game you love, and the topics it involves. I've been part of a Halo forum for 10 years, moderating 1/3 of that time. Surviving community was small and solid, but also stagnant, as many of us literally outgrew the game that brought us together, leading to mostly OT discussion, with me often talking aviation or space. Seems like I was definitely fishing in the wrong hole!
  5. Posted a little already, but never really introduced myself as I intend to stay given the awesome community here. I've played around 800 hours of KSP, but given my playstyle and interests the furthest from Kerbin I've ever been is Duna, twice. I tend to stick to designing jets and SSTOs with various mods like Ferram Aerospace Research, Advanced Jet Engine, Procedural Parts, B9 Wings, Intake Build Aid, Pilot Assistant, etc. I like to think I have a good enough grasp on plane and spaceplane design principals (in KSP-land) to assist some of the other members here, so I will be trying to give back to the community accordingly. However I'll definitely need some help in furthering my exploration of the Kerbin system! However my grand goal of the game, something I've wanted to do since I've learned it was even possible is to fly an SSTO from the KCC runway to a Laythe landing and back. Refueling is allowed, but I might limit myself to only launching/assembling fuel depots with SSTOs. Rockets are for losers right?
  6. I can't seem to EVA on top of my planes with this mod. Kerbals are stuck stuttering, moving almost nowhere unless you can manage to jump. It also seems as if the ship itself is micro-jittering, but can take-off and fly just fine. The issue only exists when I have this mod installed, so while I hate to remove it I have to if I want to have any kerbals boarding or unboarding certain crew modules. Any idea what in PA could be causing this? Thanks for the time and effort put into making my flights take less of each!
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