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Everything posted by Pupun2542

  1. Can't I use radar receiver with sonar? I tried to make ASW aircraft with sonobouy but bouy cannot tranfer data to aircraft I put radar data receiver on ASW aircraft
  2. ok and I have a question it hard to equip missile in vls part do you have som tip?
  3. naval artillery system
  4. what missile that small VLS superstructure support? I use PAC-3, SM-2, ESSM but they're too long
  5. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By8WgCWt8I0qN3ZfaUV3TURUeUU
  6. http://www.This website cannot be used on these forums/download/ul0xrx1vx6r601p/output_log.txt output log but I delete all compressed mod file from my computer
  7. my game is alway crash when playing around 5 minute after start game. there are my mod
  8. I request a ship main gun turret 127mm 127mm twin barrel and some torpedo
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