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Everything posted by Thedrelle

  1. Each kerb gets one mission, then gets out and spends the rest of his/her existence on kerbin, wherever they landed.
  2. 'oy, your killin' me here. IDK, Valentina could give it a fair shot.
  3. It seemed like you have been pretty busy recently, Glad to hear things are calming down, and I look forward to the next installment of Kerny's Journal
  4. I would LOVE that, but I would not include it in this thread. I would write a separate thread that would be another "mission report from a kerbal's point of view", linked to the series, like a spinoff.
  5. awesomesauce! Nice little "message from the past" if that is what it is. I love that you keep perspective on Kerny continuously, and only show off other missions from wherever he is, like from a remote feed.
  6. excellent flight, nice correction of an overshoot!
  7. oh, right, fire and ice, good point. Sorry I Missed that Popsiclize them!
  8. Just don't overdo it. I'd hate for you to burn yourself out. We will be here when your ready to jump on the story wagon again.
  9. I think I have said this before, but Ivanova is one of my favorite B5 characters. so tragic in the end.
  10. I believe he is talking about a detail i remember reading in the fantastic story "The Saga of Emiko Station" by @Just Jim where it was explained that kerbs often get their names from a compound of their parents names. For ex: Thompberry comes from Bruberry and Thompington. therefore, @RocketMan-Explorer is suggesting names for thier kids. fantastic, I LOVE this ship!
  11. aw, but I love it when my rockets look like fireballs leaving the atmosphere, just like when they enter it! really, i will start adjusting my launches and see what that does for me. thanks!
  12. autostruts, huh? maybe that's part of my problem.. sometimes my rockets turn into snakes. I usually keep my TWR around 1.6-2.0, and turn off SAS if the kraken comes a callin'. My twr is probably needlessly high. I also never have such massive payloads.
  13. perhaps your T/W Ratio is too high? rate of acceleration plus the atmo drag is too much?
  14. MMM, NASA BURGERS.. oh, right, on topic, on topic. *ahem on a scale of 1 - popovers, how doomed is everyone?
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