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Aidan likes minmus

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Everything posted by Aidan likes minmus

  1. Basicly I have some 2 hitchhikers And some lander cans . I can refuel it if I need to (preferably LKO since that's the on,y place I've ever docked. I have the mobile processing lab and plenty of scientists pilots and engineers. So here's the question I could add a engine area to it and make it mobile or just keep it in the kerbin system(it's my only station so if it goes I don't have a secondary station) so should I add a engine drive an go interplanetary or just keep it in the kerbin system?(I'm in science mode right now so money means nothing)
  2. Exactly less fuel to land I don't like the min due to the highish Gravity and I suck at landing(whenever I land i tip my space craft over and that dosent work well for poor kerbals
  3. It was what I couldent do I could build a rocket make maneuver nodes and use them proplerly but I tried to make a station once before this one (it failed horribly) each time I docked I got better but still need improvements
  4. I can get to minmus but I just learned how to dock, its kinda nessacraiy to make gaint space craft in orbit to fly to other worlds but I haven't yet
  5. :cool:I cant figure out how to take a screenshot so ... yea:cool: oh yea and first post
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