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Actually,that is what I want to do at first, and it's my working direction now.=w= - - - Updated - - - So I leave out the NozzleType and ChamberType in config.(Though I had only implemed one type^the liquid engine with delaval nozzle.Some more types will be support later.(I don't know when will be later TAT - - - Updated - - - Yup……So I choose to be compatible with RF, for that we can use RF configs for those engine that don't have their EDev configs.
Another reason for I to use exit pressure is that chamber condition is unknown for an nozzle config, so if we specify expansion ratio, the exit pressure will be determined by both the chamber and nozzle condition.(Though that is practicable but will be a little more complex for the users) We can solve the exit pressure from the real data when generating cfg from real data.
So……Could you tell me what&how basic parameters should be used to represent an engine? I have no idea about them( Actually I'd only specify throat area and exit pressure, nozzle area was calculated from the pressure ratio of chamber and nozzle. And I found two( of throat area, nozzle area and exit pressure) is needed to represent a nozzle...Did I left some eq out?
Sorry for my not responding, first month in college should be that busy... -1.Haven't work out what the relation between fuel flow and chamber pressure…… For now, the max fuel flow indicates only the maximum workload of the powercycle, and increase throttle will increase fuelflow, leading to the chamber pressure . 0.[DEL]The throttle will respond to chamber pressure in next release^[/DEL] May be later 1.An Chinese textbook shows that exit pressure can be a basic parameter for liquid engine.And some conveniences can be brought by taking it. 2.Yuh...^It is just a placeholder waiting a more precise jet separation calculation…… 3.Good job for FitEngine^Figuring out how it works now=w= - - - Updated - - - Sorry for my not responding, first month in college should be that busy... Yeah...Could I say that I just copy the method of RealFuels…… The different sets of parameters for one engine is storaged in the cfg, and the plugin will load them to the engine module when needs
This mod is a fork of the RealFuels by NathanKell licence CC-BY-SA Get rid of FloatCurves, Just let it feel like real! use chamber, nozzle and fuel's parameters instead of FloatCurves. There must be an collocation that fit you need! You can not only switching fuels but also chambers&nozzles!(And may be more you can custom in the future) Got anything about you engine Download (Test only^I need more data of historical engine) https://github.com/Librazy/ModularFuelSystem/releases/tag/DEV.RC.v.1.0.-1 the /zDEVtest folder is a modified Mainsail with some silly config to test whether it is working Parameters From the propellants used: * Mexh Exhaust's molecular weight Used by C* * fuelFraction Used by CalculateGamma() * nominalTcns Theoretical chamber temperature Determine running chamber temperature From nozzle * nominalPe Theoretical nozzle exit pressure at max fuel flow Used by nozzleExpansionRatio and Ct * At Nozzle's throat area Used by Pcns From chamber * nominalPcns Theoretical chamber pressure at max fuel flow Determine running chamber pressure * maxMassFlow Max fuel flow that chamber can load * minMassFlow Min fuel flow that chamber needs to maintain stable combustion
Here my “Real calculation version of RF†is^Much work to be done...Hmm https://github.com/NathanKell/ModularFuelSystem/pull/95 Hope that these would be helpful to RF
Basically understood how RF works,I‘m trying to rewrite SolverRF for real performance calculation.Just have liquid de laval engine done yet.//Hope I'd written something useful Time to consider how the cfg should be…Would be a big project to find out the params for lots of engines. https://github.com/Librazy/ModularFuelSystem
I'm working on realistic engine performance calculation recently and read a few book about (liquid) engines,trying to find out how&what to do the calc.But I still don't know entirely what do we need. Listed below are some params and formulas I think to be important: Isp=Cstar*Ct Cstar is a function of gamma,R and chamberTemp,all come from the propllants used Ct is a function of gamma, nozzleExitPressure ,chamberPressure and nozzleExpansionRatio,ambientPressure nozzleExpansionRatio is a function of gamma,nozzleExitPressure ,chamberPressure chamberPressure is a function of massFlow, Cstar and nozzleThroatArea Which we should use as a "constant" to define an engine and which should be used as a var calculated from others? Or anything more?
Inspired by NathanKell,I want to do something to push forward the "Realistic Engine" version of RF,but there comes a problem:How to do a realistic calculation? AFAIC,there are mainly two ways to implement it: 1.Use the "raw" data we have now,like the Isp_vac, Isp_SL and maxThrust,we just need to define some more "default" data and use them to calculate the basic params of an engine.If player set a new config of an engine,we use it and basic params calculated before to find out the performance of new-configed engine. 2.Calculate all from bottom.Cast aside what we have now but to set all parameters in the cfg.A more realistic way......and complex Both ways need more data than we have now.The first way seems to get a more realistic performance(comp to the curves used now) and have less work to do.However,we can get the really-realistic engine by giving every params instead of calculating some from the cfg. Now I tend to the second one--"all-realistic" So I got into another problem: What do we need to calculate an engine's performance?Where are them?
So..when i get my simulation and calculation right I'll redo it in RF and pull to your repo. In my mod,I'd like to add some cfg node other like ModuleNozzleConfig ModuleChamberConfig to get datas needed.So the player can get some different performance using different nozzles,chamber sand powercycles--the way to change settings is just the same to change fuels.So the basic thing is a realistic calculation engine performance,which I'm trying to work on now. But I'm a new-hand on both KSP plugin and engine calculation,so I had made little progress so far.I think I will do better with your and others help. My honor to take part in the wonderful work - - - Updated - - - PS: 04:00 a.m. here (..I should learn the lesson not to drink too much coffee before sleep..
Thanks,I writes an cfg on a KW ModuleEngineFX that has an EFFECT,and It works well^But it seems some more work needs to be done to fit an ModuleEngine part=w= I dunna to write a mod like AJE on rocket engine,but I don't know how&what to do until I found SolverEngines.No issue for now^(These days I was buried in my messy liquid-engine-simulation codes to ensure it won't get out-ranged results) Actually I need some data from RF like fuelFraction of CalculateGamma and the exhaust gases' molar mass. And an issue for RF: For an ModuleEnginesSolver part when showing RF GUI in action group, It just run once CreateEngine but Multi-GetInfo on the propellants changed to.Mine reads Isp and other data depended on propellants-in-use when CreateEngine,so it wouldn't show correct data for currect propellants.And It seems that RF runs the engine sim on every OnGUI,which I think only need to run once from the beginning when loading and changing configs(like the stock part list do. Thanks for bring us a lot of wonderful modsï¼ - - - Updated - - - PS:Due to the absent of EI on 1.0.x version,I add the ullage and ignition code from EI which I'd like to include in my mod...Not until today did I found the Ullage branch of MFS&RF.. I'm reading ModuleEnginesRF to find out how to write a better ModuleEnginesDev for my EngineDevelopment - - - Updated - - - ......Then I find out we won't meet on the same part for ModuleEnginesRF and ModuleEnginesDev...So I will write a :Final in the cfg to drive away any other ModuleEngines* (Badness:sticktongue:4 joking
I'm working on my mod based on SolverEngine now.I'm reading AJE and RF's source codes and found that both SolverEngine and them are amazing and work perfectly.However,I don't know how to get emissive and FX running. Based on my understanding of the sources,I coded in my mod as below public override double GetEngineTemp() { return chamberTemp; } public override double GetEmissive() { return fxPower; } public override float GetFXPower() { return fxPower; } public override float GetFXRunning() { return fxPower; } public override float GetFXThrottle() { return fxPower; } public override float GetFXSpool() { return fxPower; } public override bool GetRunning() { return fuelFlow > 0; } where the fxPower is a float( 0f~1f ),and debug shows it has correct value when running. But there is no exhaust flame or other FX. Mod's Git: https://github.com/Librazy/EngineDevelopment/tree/ParamAlpha Thanks for reading and helping