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Everything posted by Capt.Mitch

  1. OMG OMG OMG YOU the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much and also THANK you for adding this to CKAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. DUDE! I so love your work lol I have been saying it everyplace I find your stuff. But here is the thing (also posted on a couple sites trying to get your att) ALCOR is not working properly now with the new RPM and that is my fav and I cannot use it! PLEASE PLEASE update it.
  3. Just a heads up on the RPM update that just went out. https://github.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/wiki/Changes-in-this-version Breaking Changes JSIHeadsUpDisplay has been completely rewritten. Existing HUD configs written by other authors will have to be updated to the new format, or the HUD will only partially work. One benefit of the change is that the "black HUD textures in OpenGL" bug is dead. JSIPrimaryFlightDisplay has been completely rewritten, as well. Existing PFD (navball) configs will need to be updated, or you won't see much of anything. Static Overlay textures have changed, as well (they now should be sized to match the size of the screen). This mod needs to be updated it no longer works with RPM
  4. I came across a compatibility issue today with real solar system and custom asteroids where CKAN said they were not compatible. While I was looking into this I seen there is a patch in RSS folders. Is there a way to let CKAN know there is a patch and have it apply the patch when/if this applys?
  5. BTW, Why is this mod not added to CKAN?????? I would have never found it if I did not see it in the RPM page mods that use this section.
  6. Yeah I see that it works fine . Makes me very happy!! This mod it the #1 must have mod for my install. Way better then anything I have seen of it's kind. BTW I loved the video "To mimus and back all IVA"
  7. I just started a game in 1.0.4 with SCANSAT. I have not sent up a sat yet but the map window pulls up.
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