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Posts posted by TauPhraim

  1. I just rebuilt it for KSP 1.4.3

    Known to be broken: multi-bay calculations (the code has been reworked in MKS and would need to be re-studied).

    At a (very superficial) first glance, the rest seemed to work.


    [Edit]: Actually it was broken for drills, but after studying the new bays code I could fix all this in version 0.9.2 (multiple bays now appear as separate converters, even if configured the same)

  2. 40 minutes ago, Merkov said:

    If I remember right, the various colonization modules' descriptions tell you how many Kerbals the life support extender supports. The Duna one is really limited, but the Tundra series can support more Kerbals. 

    The effect will just scale (up or down) if the number of kerbals on board is not the exact "supported" number.

    But they act on the Kerbals in their vessel only, indeed.

  3. 17 hours ago, voicey99 said:

    For example, if I have a refinery with 3 metals bays, no specialists on board and no kolonisation bonuses, it has 15% efficiency (as predicted). On activating a 2.5m MPU with both bays set to smelter efficiency mode, Explainer predicts the load of the refinery as 20.79%, consistent with one of the two bays being set to efficiency. However, the real load is 26.57% as it does not count the second bay's effect.

    Trying to reproduce, the explainer showed 20.79% indeed, but the stock game kept showing me 15.23% for some reason I cannot understand (and 15.12% with just one smelter bay, and strange things like 16.6% when warping etc).

    Anyway, I just released a new version of the explainer that shows 26.57 in this case. If your game behaves better than mine, that should match now !

  4. On 7/6/2017 at 11:45 PM, voicey99 said:

    Got something for you to add. Since the addition of MPUs into the mod, there are now parts that have multiple efficiency part slots per part (which add), but MKSE only treats it as it it were a single-slot efficiency part and so does not model the 2.5m and 3.75m MPUs' efficiency part modes correctly.

    Could you detail a simple example ? I'm not sure what slots this is about. I can think of a part having several MKSModule, but that would be due to patches, and probably not intended.

  5. 13 minutes ago, voicey99 said:

    The stock ISRU is not a logistics consumer, nor is the 5m tank. I'm not sure what the module is to add that, try adding the MKSModule to it?

    MKSModule is for things related to bonuses and research.

    You need ModuleLogisticsConsumer for that. It's automatically added in a patch to all USI converters, so you don't see it directly in the part file (it's also automatically added to parts having MksModule, but that would bring additional things).

  6. 35 minutes ago, Benji13 said:

    Are there any plans to make this compatible with RO/RP-0? eg Include a patch that adds them in?

    RO/RP0 is so big, I'm not sure it would be a matter of "just a patch". On the other hand, maybe it just works already without patches, have you noted problems ?

    But it's also so much harder than stock that I wonder what kolonization you could achieve. Even the Moon seems out of reach to me.

  7. 1 hour ago, nhnifong said:

    Also, the wiki says "Once your Hab timers reach the same level as the highest Habitat they've been in, the Colonization Module will freeze the Hab Timers at their maximum amount."

    Does that mean it will freeze at the highest value of the largest habitat the kerbal has been in, if one kerbal were alone in it, or the highest share of a habitat the kerbal under treatment has ever experienced?

    Probably the highest share, since the vessel's hab value itself depends on the number of kerbals, so the "if one kerbal were alone" amount does not actually exist.

    But anyway, I don't think what is described is implemented: I'd say timers are pushed back with no limit.

  8. The inflation should not happen automatically. If you partially inflate, you will have to re-perform some manual action for further inflation to happen.

    If you only have 3/4 of the materialkits, it will consume them, along with 3/4 of the required EC.

    There could be bugs, but I don't think this mechanism would drain some materialkits upon docking. I suggest retrying. Maybe the 2nd kontainer was accidentally sent empty ?

  9. 5 hours ago, Roschnicron said:

    Is 100% the base lvl of a body?


        EfficiencyMultiplier = 10000 ---> how does this effect other things? And which things?


    Yes 100% is the starting value for each body. They increase based on the number of kerbals on board and the converters you have (see MksModule descriptions in VAB to distinguish the 3 kind of converters). These bonuses in turn increase the productivity (load) of converters.


    EfficiencyMultiplier controls how fast the bonuses grow (actually the bigger the slower).

  10. 2 hours ago, GnarlyVonDudeBro said:

    MKS explainer says my load % should be 989 with the current setup, but it is only 142

    A known limitation is that it displays the "ideal" load, that you would get if the converter had room to store it's ouputs, and had enough available inputs.

    KSP can further reduce the load, for example if an input resource is not available, but is produced by another slower converter. It might be the case in your example, probably for Mulch: if you don't have any Mulch stored left, and your Kerbals on board cannot generate 448 per day by themselves, this will limit the Agroponics load. If by adding Kerbals, or stopping recyclers, or by storing some Mulch, you can increase the load, that's the explanation.

    I would love to fix this problem so that everything is self-explanatory, but it would require very complicated calculations across the whole vessel. Because this is explaining what the stock game does and I cannot see the stock game's source, I am not very comfortable attempting that.


  11. 16 hours ago, Bit Fiddler said:

    ah yes the you would be missing the surrounding vehicles and the concentrations of the resources...  but you could still at least see what the current vehicle would be sans those two modifiers.


    If you accept inaccurate results regarding the external factors, just launch the vehicle and check the numbers on the launchpad. It sure would be more convenient to have that in-VAB, but currently I estimate the convenience/work ratio not big enough, sorry.

  12. 16 minutes ago, DStaal said:

    How does the flex-ô-tubes work? i have KAS and KIS, but everytime i right click, the only option is Disassemble part. Also, i'm trying to attach them with an engineer, so its maybe with an other class. Thank you in advance!

    Also you have to get much closer to see the tube specific buttons appear, than for Disassemble.

  13. 14 hours ago, Bit Fiddler said:

    would this not be possible to do in the VAB or SPH so we can see what is going on at design time?

    I gave it some thoughts. But there are a number of missing things in-VAB compared to in-flight (planetary bonuses, surrounding vessels, ground resources concentrations ...) that would both make implementing this a bit bothersome, and render the results not so useful.

  14. 4 hours ago, Soda Popinski said:

    The GitHub manual states biologists can do research.  I don't see that happening?  Do I need to level them up more, am I bugging out, or is that out dated information?

    They do research as in, contributing to increasing MKS bonuses for planets they reside on. And collecting science via MKS parts that offer a "Check Kolony Rewards" button.

    But they don't work in stock science labs.

  15. With this new version, (where I generate a random ID for each contract instance to keep vessel groups separate), I am now having issues with PartValidation:

    On contract generation/acceptation, the parameters are displayed correctly: "Vessel having part X" + "At least 1". But as soon as I focus on a vessel, even one without the part, the PartValidation parameters all complete. Also the "At least 1" line disappears, but I don't know if this is a consequence of the parameter completion, or the cause of the problem.

    Exceptionally, the "At least 1" line will remain, and the contract work as intended. But this is very rare, and seems random.

  16. 15 minutes ago, funkcanna said:

    Thanks - But I still don't know what it means.  What does Fertilizer (M) => Fertilizer (G) actually do?  What does LFO => Liquid Fuel actually do?


    EDIT: As an example, lets say I want the converter to do:  Gypsum to Fertilizer and Ore to LFO.  What would I pick?  

    Let me rephrase it without confusing arrows :)

    "Fertilizer (M) => Fertilizer (G)" switches converter #1 from converting minerals into fertilizer, to converting gypsum into fertilizer.

    In the VAB: to get the one you want, click until the desired one is displayed on top.

    In situ, each change will cost you material kits etc, so you want to use the next/previous buttons, so that the change button directly does "whatever => desired_converter". Sorry if it's not clear. Please post a screenshot in this case, and I'll try to use real names/examples.


  17. 1 hour ago, myn4m31swh4t said:

    Hey, so I'm having an Issue with the usi mks/oks mod... Idk if the coding is off but some of your parts don't seem to be working right, the habitation modules cannot be converted from greenhouse to habitat and it crashes my game when I hit c1 previous configuration. I'm really kind of bummed about this because this is my favorite mod, but since I updated it, it hasn't been working right. Is anybody else having this issue?

    This bug will be fixed in the next release.

    It should only happen if you don't have USI-LS installed. In such case, greenhouse and habitat are useless anyway, so you can just not click on that.

    3 minutes ago, funkcanna said:

    Hi - ive spent the last few hours searching online for the answer but I cannot find it.  When I'm using the Material Processing Unit, what do the C1, C2, C3 buttons mean?  Like in the first C1 button it says for example: Fertilizer (M) => Fertilizer (G)    What does this mean?

    This means the part has 3 configurable converter "slots", and the buttons are for configuring them (Ex: "switch converter #1 from minerals->fertilizer to gypsum->fertilizer").

  18. 9 hours ago, garwel said:

    I guess it's just that rare coincidence, but want to check with the others. Whenever I hire a kerbal with a "random" gender, they always turn out to be female. I've had it like five times in a row already. Anybody noticed anything?

    There is a bug (also with some of the classes). A fix is coming.

    Actually, currently the random button gives you a male, male gives you a female, and female gives you a random.


    That's for portraits though, but the first name of the kerbal is apparently always random (with or without the fix).

    If we pretend, after several thousand hours passed with them, to understand Kerbal culture enough to distinguish female and male first names, then indeed this randomness is problematic. Please log a github issue if you confirm that, as a fix would be slightly more complicated.

  19. I tried a new version, abandonning the idea of fixing the last problem (assuming that when you accept the contract, the first vessel that you manage to get to the origin conditions is the one you implicitely choose for the contract).

    With that, I now have a problem when having several instances of the contract (with different vessels and origin/destination). It seems objectives complete for the wrong vessel (I can detail a case when a contract unexpectedly completes). I think this comes from the "define" identifier being the same, as it works across contracts according to the doc. Do I need to generate a random identifier for each accepted contract instance ? If so, can I use the Random() expression ? (it seems to generate integers).

  20. On 5/9/2017 at 11:49 PM, voicey99 said:

    It's definitely something planet-related as all I did was hyperedit it to Minmus (which has bonuses) to see the change.

    I'll make a bug report tomorrow unless it's confirmed to be intentional that habs get bonuses.

    After confirmation with RD:

    1. it's intentional that hab modules don't get the regular bonuses from MksModule (like geology*botany etc).
    2. hab is benefiting from a slightly different dedicated system: the kolonization bonus ("rep boost") is used, only once (not squared), and adds to the multiplier of the whole vessel. Ex (I think): if your kolonization is 120%, and you hab multiplier would be x3, you get x3.2 multiplier instead

    For #1 we'll probably do something so that the MksModule aspect does not show up in VAB, when it does not apply like here

    For #2 I could give a shot at including Hab in MksExplainer, but the calculations are extremely complicated, this might take some time

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